RMLS™ Portland Office: No ActiveKEY Supply
Update (October 2, 2009): We are still experiencing intermittent shortages of ActiveKEY supplies at several offices, please check RMLSweb for the latest information.
Unfortunately, due to a parts shortage at Supra, we currently have no supply of ActiveKEYs at our Portland office. We are working to obtain inventory as soon as possible. In the meantime, if you’re in the Portland area please call the RMLS™ Front Desk at 503-236-7657 if you need a new key at this time, and we’ll do our best to find a solution for you.
If you’re in a real bind, like you’ve lost your ActiveKEY or it is broken and we can’t find a solution for you right away, remember that according to the RMLS™ Rules and Regulations:
(The) Participant Broker in each office shall be allowed to loan his or her personal lockbox key to RMLS™ subscriber keyholders within such office. While on loan, the full responsibility for use of the key, including compliance with all Rules, remains with the Participant Broker. The purpose of this exception is to accommodate occasional needs created when a subscriber keyholder’s own key is temporarily unusable.
In case you don’t know, the “participant broker” at your office is the person who is responsible for all of your office’s dealings with us.
So, to put this all in more general terms: the participant broker at your office can lend his or her key to you in emergency situations, keeping in mind that if anything happens, the responsibility lies with the participant broker.