Attached vs. Detached Properties
We sometimes get reports of homes being entered into RMLSweb as detached homes, when they are in fact, attached (or vice versa). We realize this can be confusing at times, so let’s briefly review the attached vs. detached question.
Both attached and detached are property types that are available for listings in the Residential Property Category of Listing Load.
Here’s how RMLS™ defines each one:
Attached (ATTACHD): An element of the residence’s construction (such as a wall, ceiling, or floor) is shared with another property. Condominiums excluded.
Detached (DETACHD): A stand-alone residence, excluding manufactured homes, for which the sale includes the land on which the residence is located.
Also, here the definitions for Condos and manufactured homes:
Condominiums (CONDO) have their own property category and are defined as: An attached or stand-alone residence for which the owner has title to the space inside the unit and shares common spaces with other unit owners in accordance with specified legal guidelines.
Manufactured homes (RES-MFG) are defined as: A manufactured home for which the sale includes the land on which the residence is located.
Another type of manufactured home sale is (In-Park) which does not include the land.
If you aren’t sure which residential property type to use just take a moment and refer to these definitions or call our Help Desk. We’re here to help you succeed.