John Ayers Shares More SentriLock Details in New Video
John Ayers, RMLS™ Vice President of Subscriber Services, provides subscribers additional details about the SentriLock lockbox system RMLS™ will be converting to this fall. Watch the video to learn about securing replacement batteries for your new lockbox, various ways to access the lockbox at a showing, and important conversion preparation information. (Note: no equipment is being exchanged at this time!)
A few highlights:
• Subscribers should have recently received an email containing a list of the Supra lockbox numbers registered in their name. Make sure this information is correct! At SentriLock events this fall, we will be unable to exchange lockboxes that are not registered to you. If you find you have some lockboxes that are not registered in your name, submit a Lockbox Transfer Form to RMLS™ in advance of your exchange event.
• SentriLock will provide replacement lockbox batteries to RMLS™ free of charge, and recommends that subscribers use these commercial-grade batteries rather than similar ones found in retail establishments. If you are unable to make it in to an RMLS™ office, we will be able to mail batteries to subscribers as well.
• Smartphone access will be available in time for our conversion. Details about this exciting development will be shared when they become available.
Need help determining which lockboxes are registered to you? Contact the RMLS™ Help Desk by phone at (503) 872-8002, (877) 256-2169, or by email at