Harness the Power of the RPR Flyer from RMLSweb!


REALTORS®, if you’re looking for an easy way to make a snazzy listing flyer, RMLS™ has just introduced a great solution. RMLSweb now features a direct link from the Toolkit menu to the RPR flyer module.

Look for the RPR Flyer option under the Toolkit menu on RMLSweb. Enter a valid RMLSweb listing number into the box that appears and click the Yes button. A new tab will open RPR reports with the RPR flyer module selected.


There can be some lag time between listings being entered in RMLSweb and data availability on RPR. If you just published or updated your listing, it could take up to four hours for the RPR data to catch up with the RMLSweb listing.

Once inside the RPR flyer module, be sure to confirm the property address and personalize as you wish. Once the edits are complete, select your desired delivery method (display now or send as an email) and click the Run Report button at the bottom. When the bell dings, your flyer will be ready!

Questions about this new option on RMLSweb? Contact the RMLS™ Help Desk at (503) 872-8002 or (877) 256-2169.