Residential Distressed Properties for Third Quarter (July-September) 2014


This chart shows the number of bank owned/REO properties and short sales in all areas of the RMLS™ system during the third quarter of 2014.

Below are links to additional charts for some of our larger areas.
Portland Metro Distressed Properties (3rd Quarter 2014)
Clark County, WA Distressed Properties (3rd Quarter 2014)
Lane County, OR Distressed Properties (3rd Quarter 2014)
Douglas County, OR Distressed Properties (3rd Quarter 2014)
Coos County, OR Distressed Properties (3rd Quarter 2014)

Here are some additional facts about distressed residential properties in the third quarter of 2014:

All areas when comparing percentage share of the market, third quarter 2014 to second quarter 2014:
• When comparing the third quarter 2014 to second quarter 2014, distressed sales as a percentage of new listings increased by 0.3% (7.1 v. 6.8%).
• In a comparison of the third quarter 2014 to second quarter 2014, distressed sales as a percentage of closed sales decreased by 2.0% (8.8 vs. 10.8%).
• Short sales comprised 2.6% of new listings and 3.3% of sales in the third quarter of 2014, down 0.3% and 1.1% from the second quarter of 2014, respectively.
• Bank owned/REO properties comprised 4.5% of new listings and 5.5% of sales in the third quarter of 2014, up 0.6% and down 0.9% from the second quarter of 2014, respectively.

Portland metro when comparing percentage share of the market, third quarter 2014 to second quarter 2014:
• When comparing the third quarter 2014 to second quarter 2014, distressed sales as a percentage of new listings increased by 0.1% (6.2 vs. 6.1%).
• In a comparison of third quarter 2014 to second quarter 2014, distressed sales as a percentage of closed sales decreased by 1.6% (7.2 v. 8.8%).
• Short sales comprised 2.6% of new listings and 3.3% of sales in the third quarter of 2014, down 0.4% and 0.8% from the second quarter of 2014, respectively.
• Bank owned/REO properties comprised 3.6% of new listings and 3.9% of sales in the third quarter of 2014, up 0.5% and down 0.8% from the second quarter of 2014, respectively.

Clark County when comparing percentage share of the market, third quarter 2014 to second quarter 2014:
• When comparing the third quarter 2014 to second quarter 2014, distressed sales as a percentage of new listings decreased by 0.6% (8.8 v. 9.4%).
• In a comparison of third quarter 2014 to second quarter 2014, distressed sales as a percentage of closed sales decreased by 4.7% (11.1 v. 15.8%).
• Short sales comprised 3.8% of new listings and 4.7% of sales in the third quarter of 2014, down 0.9% for new listings and 2.0% for sales when compared to the second quarter of 2014, respectively.
• Bank owned/REO properties comprised 5.0% of new listings and 6.4% of sales in the third quarter of 2014, up 0.3% and down 2.7% from the second quarter of 2014, respectively.

If you’d like more information or percentages of distressed residential sales in other areas not represented by our charts, please contact us at

SentriLock Lockbox Activity September 29-October 5, 2014

This Week’s Lockbox Activity

For the week of September 29-October 5, 2014, these charts show the number of times RMLS™ subscribers opened SentriLock lockboxes in Oregon and Washington. Activity fell this week in Washington, but rose slightly in Oregon.

For a larger version of each chart, visit the RMLS™ photostream on Flickr.

SentriLock Lockbox Activity September 22-28, 2014

This Week’s Lockbox Activity

For the week of September 22-28, 2014, these charts show the number of times RMLS™ subscribers opened SentriLock lockboxes in Oregon and Washington. Washington saw activity rise this week, while Oregon saw lockbox activity decrease.

For a larger version of each chart, visit the RMLS™ photostream on Flickr.

SentriLock Lockbox Activity September 15-21, 2014

This Week’s Lockbox Activity

For the week of September 15-21, 2014, these charts show the number of times RMLS™ subscribers opened SentriLock lockboxes in Oregon and Washington. Activity decreased in both Oregon and Washington this week.

For a larger version of each chart, visit the RMLS™ photostream on Flickr.

SentriLock Lockbox Activity September 8-14, 2014

This Week’s Lockbox Activity

For the week of September 8-14, 2014, these charts show the number of times RMLS™ subscribers opened SentriLock lockboxes in Oregon and Washington. Activity increased in both Oregon and Washington this week.

For a larger version of each chart, visit the RMLS™ photostream on Flickr.

Bulk Delete and More Frequent Auto-Emails: Coming Soon on RMLSweb

Ever wanted to clean out your saved searches, prospecting profiles, or hotsheet profiles? It has previously been an arduous task, requiring each saved item to be deleted separately.

Bulk Delete of Saved Searches on RMLSweb

Starting September 25th, RMLS™ subscribers will find an exciting new feature on RMLSweb. Users will be able to delete multiple saved searches quickly with our new bulk delete feature!

Whether a user is looking at a regular saved search, a prospecting profile, or a hotsheet profile, checking the box above the list of saved searches will select all searches listed on the page. When the desired searches are selected, simply click the Action button above, then Delete.


(Here’s what it looks like on Prospecting Profiles.)

What if you didn’t mean to delete one or more of the selected searches? Use the Deleted tab to access deleted searches, then use the Action button to return the searches back to the Saved tab. Keep in mind, after a search has been in the deleted tab for 30 days, it will be purged from the system.

Subscribers are advised to take advantage of this new feature as soon as this is released. Log in to RMLSweb and weed out saved searches, prospecting profiles, and hotsheet profiles that are no longer of use, and take time on a regular basis to clean these items out.

The enhancements committee has noted regular requests to make deleting these saved searches easier. Honoring that request in the past created more problems than it solved. RMLS™ hopes this new feature will be helpful to all users of RMLSweb.

Increased Frequency of Automatic Emails and Prospecting Notifications

Responding to subscriber feedback, the RMLS™ Board of Directors voted to increase the frequency of auto-emails (to clients) and prospecting emails (to subscribers) on RMLSweb. You may have already noticed an uptick in notifications, and RMLS™ will continue to look into increasing the frequency further.

As you can see subscriber feedback drives improvements to RMLSweb, and these latest developments are no exception. If you’d like to suggest an improvement to RMLSweb, contact the RMLS™ Help Desk at (503) 872-8002.

SentriLock Lockbox Activity September 1-7, 2014

This Week’s Lockbox Activity

For the week of September 1-7, 2014, these charts show the number of times RMLS™ subscribers opened SentriLock lockboxes in Oregon and Washington. Oregon and Washington both saw activity decrease this week.

For a larger version of each chart, visit the RMLS™ photostream on Flickr.

SentriLock Lockbox Activity August 25-31, 2014

This Week’s Lockbox Activity

For the week of August 25-31, 2014, these charts show the number of times RMLS™ subscribers opened SentriLock lockboxes in Oregon and Washington. Showing activity increased in Washington, but decreased in Oregon this week.

For a larger version of each chart, visit the RMLS™ photostream on Flickr.

Please note: due to the RMLS™ transition to SentriLock, historical data is only currently available through the RMLS™ Flickr page, under the tag “Supra lockbox activity.” SentriLock data will continue accumulating until each chart represents a year of data.

SentriLock Lockbox Activity August 18-24, 2014

This Week’s Lockbox Activity

For the week of August 18-24, 2014, these charts show the number of times RMLS™ subscribers opened SentriLock lockboxes in Oregon and Washington. Activity in Oregon and Washington increased this week.

For a larger version of each chart, visit the RMLS™ photostream on Flickr.

Please note: due to the RMLS™ transition to SentriLock, historical data is only currently available through the RMLS™ Flickr page, under the tag “Supra lockbox activity.” SentriLock data will continue accumulating until each chart represents a year of data.

SentriLock Lockbox Activity August 11-17, 2014

This Week’s Lockbox Activity

For the week of August 11-17, 2014, these charts show the number of times RMLS™ subscribers opened SentriLock lockboxes in Oregon and Washington. Activity in Washington increased this week, while activity in Oregon decreased.

For a larger version of each chart, visit the RMLS™ photostream on Flickr.

Please note: due to the RMLS™ transition to SentriLock, historical data is only currently available through the RMLS™ Flickr page, under the tag “Supra lockbox activity.” SentriLock data will continue accumulating until each chart represents a year of data.