Gentrification and Fair Housing: A Local Story

Gentrification and Fair Housing:  A Local Story

By Jo Becker, Education/Outreach Specialist, Fair Housing Council
Serving Oregon and SW Washington

In 2008, FHCO launched a tour of Portland’s hidden history of discrimination.  The 2.5-hour coach bus trip explores a multitude of the Northwest’s “equity skeletons” hiding in our communal closet, some of which pre-date the Fair Housing Act (FHA)1.  Others are recent enough you may remember hearing of in the news.

On the tour we address inequities and injustices aimed at each protected class but this article will focus mainly on the protected classes of race, color, and national origin.  Within that context a lot of different incidents and policies targeted toward a broad spectrum of ethnicities is reviewed.  Among them is the public policy of urban renewal – oft referred to as “urban removal” – that has been perpetrated against a variety of groups over many decades, most notably African Americans.  The devastating consequences – whether intentional or accidental – of urban renewal are not only a national trend but also a local story.  It is a story that continues to affect us in terms of public policies and current neighborhood demographics to this day.

I recently reread an August 09, 2011 article in The Skanner by Lisa Loving2.  The article does an excellent job of detailing the gentrification3 Portlanders experienced in the 1950s and 1960s.

The article first sets the stage by illustrating how vibrant and productive the Albina community was in the mid-50s.  Due to accepted steering and redlining practices, Albina had become an openly segregated Black community.  In fact, in 1950 more than half of Oregon’s African American population (about 11,000) lived in two census tracts in Albina. They were concentrated into a single square mile east of the river in an area that had a density six times greater than the city as a whole.  The remaining African Americans, about 2,000, were scattered in other areas around the state.

The Skanner article goes on to describe how, in three consecutive waves spanning 15-20 years, city officials developed and passed plans to bulldoze a community located in what was becoming vital land within the city center as Portland grew.  The first incident demolished over 450 homes and businesses to make way for the Memorial Coliseum in 1956.  The same year Portland secured federal funding to, as Lisa Loving says, “pave Interstates 5 and 99 right through hundreds of homes and storefronts, destroying more than 1,100 housing units in South Albina.”  Then, in ’66 Portland applied for federal funds to expand Emanuel Hospital.  This proposed project would flatten still more homes and businesses in the same area.

At this point Albina residents picketed, but to no avail.  Demolition began in the late ‘60s in order to make way for the Emanuel expansion; and was soon finished.  In a cruel twist of fate, the federal dollars counted on dried up within a few years and construction on the hospital expansion never came to pass.  If you drive the streets of Albina today, the expansive open lots that still surround the Hospital are a result of this failed development effort.  Precisely on those plots were some of the homes and businesses that were ruthlessly expelled 50 years ago.

You might wonder if this was a blighted community wrought with problems, making it a target for government-sanctioned improvements.  Here’s what Lisa Loving has to say about it in the section of her article subtitled “Cause and Effect:”

Contrary to popular belief, ghetto neighborhoods are not a chance occurrence, nor are they the natural evolution of “old housing stock” that hasn’t been properly maintained by its owners.

In her ground-breaking study, “Bleeding Albina: A History of Community Disinvestment, 1940-2000,” Portland State Urban Studies Adjunct Professor Karen J. Gibson detailed how municipal development policies, coupled with racism in the real estate and banking industries, left Portland’s Black community segregated, ghettoized and, finally, scattered.

In cities across the nation, urban power brokers, with the help of the federal government, eagerly engaged in central-city revitalization after World War II.  …“The whole transition has been racial,” Gibson told The Skanner News this week. “People paid taxes in Albina – what did they get for their taxes?  …The whole thing has to do with race, and it has to do with real estate.  White privilege means something – it means a difference in wealth and the fact that you could just come in and take over the boulevard,” Gibson said.

Neither the residents nor the business owners were given time to prepare nor were they reasonably compensated.  The housing stock was not replaced, nor much improved, and former residents were not provided assistance in relocating…  Again, quoting The Skanner article:

<When the plans for> …tearing down Albina homes and businesses for Emanuel’s expansion in 1971 <was rolled out>, many local residents did not realize the plans had been laid years before, according to “History of Portland’s African American Community.”

The Emanuel Displaced Person’s Association was founded by Mrs. Leo Warren in 1970 after locals “were abruptly confronted with the expansion plans.” The city required residents to move out within 90 days, offering homeowners a maximum $15,000 payment and renters a maximum $4,000.

A much-hyped agreement signed by the hospital, the <Portland Development Commission> and the Housing Authority of Portland mandated they would use “maximum energy and enthusiasm” in replacing the lost housing… none of which happened.”

Mrs. Warren’s response:  “Didn’t they have a long-range plan? After all, if your life’s investment was smashed to splinters by a bulldozer to make room for a hospital, you could at least feel decent and perhaps tolerable about it; but to have it all done for nothing?”

The sad thing (among a number of one sad things) about this story is that it is only one example.  The same thing was happening in communities all across the country – always disproportionately impacting “relatively powerless residents in central cities, whether in immigrant White ethnic, Black, or skid row neighborhoods,” as PSU professor, Karen Gibson put it.

Another sad reality is that these government initiatives, along side legalized discrimination, and following in the wake of Oregon’s prominent Ku Klux Klan movement (reportedly the largest Klan west of the Rockies in the 1920s) has resulted in a lack of ethnic diversity and a history of segregated neighborhoods that continues to this day.  In terms of segregated neighborhoods, think of Alberta prior to market-based gentrification; think of SE Portland and Gresham today, to name just three examples.  As for our relative lack of diversity, many are surprised to learn that despite the Northwest’s reputation for being progressive, liberal, and welcoming, it’s no accident that Oregon’s history has produced among the smallest African American populations in the entire country.  According to data from the US Census Bureau, we rank 37th with a 2% Black population when the nation as a whole averages 12%.  Washington state ranks only slightly better with 3.7%.  One might think that with our proximity to the Pacific Ocean we would have high percentages of Asians and other immigrants.  Again looking at data from the Census Bureau, the United States is made up of, on average, 22% non-Caucasians.  Oregon is 12% non-Caucasian; Washington is 18%.  In fact, Oregon ranks lower than the national average for each ethic group counted in the Census with the exception of indigenous populations native to America, Alaska, Hawaii and other Pacific islands.  All of this helps explain why we, at the Fair Housing Council, continue to see ethnicity-based housing discrimination as the second largest area of complaints we deal with.

To expand on this historical perspective, I encourage you to check out The Skanner article2 to learn more about this part of Oregon’s history.  I would also recommend reading about the discriminatory experiences of Dr. DeNorval Unthank, a noted African-American civil rights leader in Portland.  If you’re unfamiliar with the Dr. Unthank’s all too typical story the Oregon Historical Society’s site details it at  Another, and comprehensive, read on current inequity in neighborhoods and the housing market borne out of longstanding policies and prejudice can be found in The Oregonian’s summer 2012 series entitled “Locked Out” by Brad Schmidt (

As Winston Churchill once wrote, “The further back you look, the further forward you can see.”  Bringing history full circle to the present helps us see how our past colors our present and can influence our future.

Please consider joining us on one of our “Fasten Your Seat Belt: It’s Been A Bumpy Ride” bus tours.  Many of the individuals who have participated in our tours have shared their opinions that the tour helps provide a visual connection to Portland’s history.  Visit for pricing and other details.


This article brought to you by the Fair Housing Council; a nonprofit serving the state of Oregon and SW Washington.  Learn more and / or sign up for our free, periodic newsletter at

Qs about your rights and responsibilities under fair housing laws?

Visit or call 1-800-424-3247 Ext. 2.

Qs about this article?  Want to schedule an in-office fair housing training program or speaker for corporate or association functions?

Contact Sandy Stienecker, Education / Outreach Specialist at or 503/23-8197 Ext. 109

[1] Federally protected classes under the Fair Housing Act include:  race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (children), and disability.  Oregon law also protects marital status, source of income, sexual orientation, and domestic violence survivors.  Washington law covers martial status, sexual orientation, and domestic violence survivors, and honorably discharged veterans / military status. Additional protected classes have been added in particular geographic areas; visit and read the section entitled “View Local Protected Classes” for more information.
2 “Portland Gentrification:  The North Williams Avenue That Was – 1956;”–1956-2011-08-09
3 defines gentrification as the buying and renovation of houses and stores in deteriorated urban neighborhoods by upper- or middle-income families or individuals, thus improving property values but often displacing low-income families and small businesses.  Lisa Loving quotes Portland State University (PSU) professor, Karen Gibson (author of “Bleeding Albina:  A History of Community Disinvestment, 1940-2000) in The Skanner article, “Luxury apartments, convention centers, sports arenas, hospitals, universities, and freeways were the land uses that reclaimed space occupied by relatively powerless residents in central cities, whether in immigrant White ethnic, Black, or skid row neighborhoods.”

Supra Lockbox Activity September 10-16

This Week’s Lockbox Activity Increases Considerably in Oregon and also in Washington

For the week ending on 9/16/12, these charts show the number of times RMLS™ subscribers opened Supra lockboxes in Washington and Oregon. Compared to the previous week, activity increased just over 8 % in Oregon, with also a marked increase in Washington as well.

To see larger versions of these charts, visit our photostream on flickr.

Supra Lockbox Activity September 3-9, 2012

This Week’s Lockbox Activity Decreases in both Washington and Oregon

For the week ending on 9/09/12, these charts show the number of times RMLS™ subscribers opened Supra lockboxes in Washington and Oregon. Compared to the previous week, activity decreased a little in Washington as well as Oregon. While decreasing from the height of the summer, numbers are comparative to activity this same time last year.

To see larger versions of these charts, visit our photostream on flickr.

Lockbox Statistics for the Week of September 2, 2012

This Week’s Lockbox Activity Decreases in Both Oregon and Washington

For the week ending on 9/2/12, these charts show the number of times RMLS™ subscribers opened Supra lockboxes in Washington and Oregon. Compared to the previous week, both states dropped off a little over 6% from the gains of the week before. This is very likely due to the anticipation of the beginning school year and the Labor Day weekend.

To see larger versions of these charts, visit our photostream on flickr.

Listing Load Enhancements – Questions and Answers

We’ve put together a list of the questions that our subscribers may have about the Listing Load enhancements that will be out in mid-September.  This article is updated as we receive additional questions and comments from our subscribers.

**New Question**

 Is there a character counter in this release? Will there be an increase to the character count in Public Remarks?

There is a character counter for the remarks sections included with the new release. A request for additional characters in Public Remarks will be submitted to our Forms Committee, brokers who gather each year to assess the data we collect on our listing forms. Don’t forget that there is additional room for remarks on the Supplement Forms, if any of those are appropriate for your listing.

**New Question**

Will Listing Load now work in the Chrome browser?

Listing load will still not work with Chrome at this time. We are maintaining the IE and Firefox whitelisting currently in place. Our goal is to include Chrome in that group, but testing with that browser is not complete.

How will the changes to Listing Load affect me?

Although some of the pages may look different, the basic work flow has not changed dramatically. The enhancements we’ve added should make your ultimate experience more streamlined and productive.

If I have problems using the new Listing Load, what can I do?

RMLS™ trainers and Help Desk are here to answer any questions you have. You can reach us by phone at 877-256-2169 or email In case you need to get started when our offices and Help Desk are closed, we have also prepared an on-line tutorial available 24/7.

Why are you changing Listing Load? I know how to use it and it works.

We compiled many subscriber comments and requests about listing load over the last few years, and the upcoming changes reflect those requests. The result is a new detail view of the listing load search results with quick access to listing reports (agent full, tax full, history, photos and map) directly from the listing load screen. However, if you prefer, there is still a list view that looks very much like the old results screen. You can choose your experience.

What feature am I going to love the most?

We don’t really know, but it could be the Auto-save function, if you have ever lost work.

Where can I go to get information about the changes?

We’ve put together a summary about the changes that you can read here. You can also plan ahead and sign-up for a class in late September or find out how to set-up a training in your own office for Listing Load Enhancements by contacting or 503-236-7657.

Supra Lockbox Activity August 20-26

This Week’s Lockbox Activity Increases Considerably in Washington and also in Oregon

For the week ending on 8/26/12, these charts show the number of times RMLS™ subscribers opened Supra lockboxes in Washington and Oregon. Compared to the previous week, activity increased nearly 10 % in Washington, with also a marked increase in Oregon.

To see larger versions of these charts, visit our photostream on flickr.

Overview of Changes to Listing Load

In mid-September RMLS™ will be rolling out a streamlined Listing Load workflow for our subscribers. Changes include many compiled suggestions of our subscribers. Here is an overview of some of the enhancements that will be included with this version of Listing Load.

Listing Load Screen

  • To provide more viewing area the sidebar is no longer shown on listing load pages.
  • The listing load Search Criteria can now be collapsed or un-collapsed by clicking on the section label.
  • The “New Listing” and “Unlisted Sold” buttons have been moved from beside the search criteria to below.

Search Results

  • Search results can now be displayed as a list view or detail view.
  • A thumbnail image of the first listing photo and map point have been added to both views.
  • The columns have been re-ordered in the list view.
  • The detail view tab will show search results on left-hand side of the page, with listing specific information on the right which displays the summary, photo, map, agent full, tax full and history reports.

Add/Modify Listings

  • When adding a new listing, the tax ID search is now built into the “New Listing” edit page.
  • When adding or modifying a listing, the one long page has been broken up into section heading tabs, located on the left-side of the screen.
  • You can now add and modify photos and captions from within the listing edit session.
  • Date fields now display a calendar pop up to facilitate date selection. Dates can still be typed directly into the field.
  • To make the links to the help text on the page more obvious, the help text is now highlighted as a hyperlink. The field labels are blue with dotted underlines, indicating they are help links, and the mouse pointer will change to show a small question mark on rollover.
  • Listing edit screen now includes a Forms Alert tab to show the list of alerts related to listing completion rules such as missing required fields, date range violations or data type violations.
  • When working on an in-progress listing auto-save runs every ten minutes. You can also save manually.
  • At the top of the in-progress edit page now indicates a percent of all fields (excluding supplement fields) that have been filled on the main listing page.

Education Classes for September 2012

Did you know RMLS™ will debut webinar series in September!

Attend one of these exciting RMLS™ sessions from anywhere with a computer and an internet connection:

In addition to the variety of classes RMLS™ offers, on September 5, we will launch our first series of  one hour webinars.  Topics in this series range from search results to the new listing load enchancements.  With all the recent updates on RMLSweb, sign up today for one of these exciting classes.  Attending a class has never been more convenient. Click here for more information about the classes and the times they are offered. Log onto RMLSweb and register today!

Our trainers are available for onsite training at your office!

If you are an RMLS™ subscriber, we have lots of FREE educational opportunities at a location near you including RMLSweb CMA and Statistics. View the September Training Calendar in your area:

-Coos County
-Eastern Oregon
-Hood River

You can also find ongoing education and training classes through a number of different associations in the Portland Metro area and beyond. To search for August education classes check out the following association’s current events:

Portland Metropolitan Association of Realtors® (PMAR)
East Metro Association of Realtors® (EMAR)
Clark County Association of Realtors® (CCAR)

New RMLS™ Subscriber Information

We want to let you know about some changes we’ve made to make being a new RMLS™ subscriber even easier!

First, instead of receiving all of the paper on the right side of this photo, you’ll receve the brochure on the left–the Quick Start Guide to RMLS™. That’s right, we wanted to cut down not only on the amount of paper we used to deliver information but in today’s economy we wanted cut down on the cost as well!

The Quick Start Guide includes:

  • Essential contact information
  • Information about RMLS™ services
  • Rules and Regulations tips
  • Your public ID and member number

In addition, we’ve gone digital! Now all the information you need as a new subscriber can found in one place on our subscriber website– On the left-hand side of the screen under “Links” you’ll see “Welcome New Subscribers!”.

That link will take you to a PDF with all the information you need to navigate the world of RMLS™. Plus the file has embedded links that will take you to current documents inside RMLSweb. This information will always be up-to-date for you.

At RMLS™ we are very excited by this change. We feel it offers the following benefits:

  • More environmentally friendly
  • Cost savings
  • Information online will always be up-to-date and not need to be reprinted to update
  • Subscribers have access to this information anytime they are on RMLSweb

Supra Lockbox Activity August 13-19

This Week’s Lockbox Activity Increases Considerably in Washington and also Oregon

For the week ending on 8/19/12, these charts show the number of times RMLS™ subscribers opened Supra lockboxes in Washington and Oregon. Compared to the previous week, activity increased nearly 10 % in Washington, with also a marked increase in Oregon.

To see larger versions of these charts, visit our photostream on flickr.