Supra Lockbox Activity: Updated Through the Week of April 30 – May 6

This Week’s Lockbox Activity Decreases for Washington and Oregon

When comparing the week of April 29 – May 6 with the week prior, the number of times an RMLS™ subscriber opened a Supra lockbox declined 7.6% in Washington and 1.6% in Oregon.

To see larger version of these charts visit our photostream on flickr.

Supra Lockbox Assistant — Beta Testing Starting Soon!

RMLS™ and Supra are working together to test a new tool that will assist you with assigning an address or MLS number to your lockboxes. Using MLS and shackle release data, the system will send suggested matches to you via email. The test begins on Tuesday, May 22, and will last for approximately 60 days.

Why Are We Participating?
Our subscribers have told us they would like to have more pinpoint statistics when it comes to lockboxes. Ultimately, the proposed changes being tested would increase the rate and accuracy of lockbox assignments. It would also allow us to break down the lockbox statistics by specific areas.

Benefits of Assigning a MLS Number or Address to a Lockbox
First, when you receive a showing alert it will include the address. At a glance you’ll know which property was shown. Secondly, when viewing showing reports within Supra, the address and MLS number will be included. Finally, knowing where the boxes are physically will eventually allow RMLS™ and Supra provide market activity data that is specific to zip codes and/or specific geographic areas, etc.

How the Lockbox Assistant Beta Test Works
The lockbox assignment tool takes new MLS listings, and recent lockbox shackle releases and then tries to predict which lockbox goes with a given listing. In general, within a few days of putting a lockbox on a home, a new MLS listing is created or vice versa. The system is designed to look for these two events and then make an assignment suggestion.

So for instance, on Monday an agent enters a new listing into the MLS. On Tuesday the agent- puts a lockbox on the house (i.e. releases the shackle), the Supra system will see these two events and send an email to the agent asking if the lockbox is on that listing, at that specific address.  If the suggestion is correct, the agent just has to click on a link in the email to be taken to Supra, and then click on the assignment button to confirm the assignment. See the sample email below.

There might also be situations where a given agent might have created two new listings and the system cannot be sure which listing goes with a given lockbox.  In this situation, the agent would receive an email for each listing with a couple of potential assignment choices. They would choose the correct lockbox, and the assignment will be made. If neither choice is correct, a link to SupraWEB is provided and the assignment can be made manually. See sample email below.

How Does This Beta Test Affect You?
The only impact will be that you begin to receive emails asking you to confirm or choose a location assignment for your lockbox. You do not have to participate—you can ignore the emails. However, your participation would be greatly appreciated. It will allow Supra to tweak the system – see what’s working and makes changes as needed. Ultimately, our subscribers will benefit because when fully implemented Supra will be able to offer more targeted information about showing activity.

If you have any questions please contact Shannon Henry, Customer Service Manager at 503-872-8065 or shannon.h(at)rmls(dot)com.

Supra Lockbox Activity: Updated Through the Week of April 23 – 29

This Week’s Lockbox Activity Increases for Washington and  Oregon

When comparing the week of April 23 – April 29 with the week prior, the number of times an RMLS™ subscriber opened a Supra lockbox rose 13.9% in Washington and 3.8% in Oregon.

To see larger version of these charts visit our photostream on flickr.

Residential Distressed Properties for January – March 2012

This chart shows the number of Bank Owned and Short Sales in all areas of the RMLS™ system during the first quarter of 2012. To download or print the chart, click here.

Below are links to additional charts for some of our larger areas*:
Portland Metro
Clark County, WA
Lane County, OR
Douglas County, OR

*If you want information on percentages of distressed residential sales in other areas not represented by our charts, please contact us at

Here are some additional facts about distressed residential properties in the first quarter of 2012:

All Areas when comparing percentage share of the market 1st quarter of 2011 to 1st quarter of 2012

  • When comparing the first quarter of 2011 to 2012, distressed sales as a percentage of new listings decreased by 0.6% (29.5% v. 28.9%).
  • In a comparison of the first quarter of 2011 with the same period in 2012, distressed sales as a percentage of closed sales decreased by 2.0% (40.9% v. 38.9%).
  • Short Sales comprised 15.0% of new listings and 13.0% of sales in 2012, down 0.2% and up 2.7% from first quarter 2011, respectively.
  • Bank Owned properties comprised 13.9% of new listings and 25.9% of sales in first quarter 2012, down 0.4% and up 4.7% from 1first quarter 2011, respectively.

Portland Metro when comparing percentage share of the market  1st quarter of 2011 to 1st quarter of 2012

  • When comparing the first quarter of 2011 to 20112 distressed sales as a percentage of new listings decreased by 0.5% (31.5% v. 31.0%).
  • In a comparison of the first quarter of 2011 with the same period in 2012, distressed sales as a percentage of closed sales decreased by 2.5% (41.7% v. 39.2%).
  • Short Sales comprised 16.1% of new listings and was down 0.2% from 2011. However, the percentage of sales rose from 9.9%  in 2011 to 13.5%  in 2012, a 3.6% rise.
  • Bank Owned properties comprised 14.9% of new listings and 25.7% of sales in first quarter 2012, down 0.3% and 6.1% from 2011, respectively.

Clark County when comparing percentage share of the market  1st quarter of 2011 to 1st quarter of 2012

  • When comparing the first quarter of 2011 to 2012, distressed sales as a percentage of new listings decreased by 4.6% (39.7% v. 35.1%).
  • In a comparison of the first quarter of 2011 with the same period in 2012, distressed sales as a percentage of closed sales increased by 0.3% (47.8% v. 48.1%).
  • Short Sales comprised 23.8% of new listings and was down 0.6% from 2011. However, the percentage of sales rose from 17.1%  in 2011 to 20.4%  in 2012, a 3.3% rise.
  • Bank Owned properties comprised 11.3% of new listings and 27.7% of sales in 2012, down 4.0% and 3.0% from 2011, respectively.

Supra Lockbox Activity: Updated Through the Week of April 16 – April 22

This Week’s Lockbox Activity Decreases for Washington and  Oregon 

When comparing the week of April 16 – April 22 with the week prior, the number of times an RMLS™ subscriber opened a Supra lockbox decreased 4.4% in Washington and 6.1% in Oregon.

2011 Distressed Residential Properties

The chart below shows the number of Bank Owned and Short Sales in all areas of the RMLS™ system during 2011. To download or print this chart, click here.



All Areas when comparing percentage share of the market 2010 to 2011

  • Comparing 2010 to 2011 distressed sales as a percentage of closed sales increased from 29.3% to 33.5%
  • New listings dropped from 78,903 to 61,980 which is a 21.4% decrease
  • Short sales comprised 13.9% of new listings and 10.7% of sold listings in 2011, up 2.1% and 1.8% from 2010 respectively as a percentage of the market.
  • Bank owned properties comprised 13.1% of new listings and 22.8% of sales in 2011, rising slightly from 12.3% and 20.4% respectively in 2010.

Portland Metro when comparing percentage share of the market 2010 to 2011

  • Comparing 2010 to 2011 distressed sales as a percentage of closed sales increased from 29.0% to 33.1%
  • New listings dropped from 45,907 to 33,940 which is a 26.1% decrease
  • Short sales comprised 15.3% of new listings and 10.8% of sold listings in 2011, up 3.0% and 2.5% from 2011 respectively as a percentage of the market.
  • Bank owned properties comprised 13.4% of new listings and 22.3% of sales in 2011, rising slightly from 12.6% and 20.7% respectively in 2010.

Clark County when comparing percentage share of the market 2010 to 2011

  • Comparing 2010 to 2011 distressed sales as a percentage of closed sales increased from 35.2% to 43.2%
  • New listings dropped from 9,774 to 8,643 which is a 11.6% decrease
  • Short sales comprised 21.0% of new listings and 16.4% of sold listings in 2011, down .6% and up .4% from 2010 respectively as a percentage of the market.
  • Bank owned properties comprised 15.9% of new listings and 26.8% of sales in 2011, increasing from 11.7% and 18.4% respectively in 2010.

Below are links to additional charts for some of our larger areas*:
Portland Metro
Clark County, WA
Lane County, OR
Douglas County, OR
*If you want information on percentages of distressed sales in other areas not represented by our charts, please contact us at

Supra Lockbox Activity: Updated Through the Week of April 9 – April 15

This Week’s Lockbox Activity Increases for Washington and  Oregon 

When comparing the week of April 9 – April 15 with the week prior, the number of times an RMLS™ subscriber opened a Supra Lockbox increased 19.3% in Washington and 10.6% in Oregon.

Supra Lockbox Activity: Updated Through the Week of April 2 – April 8

This Week’s Lockbox Activity Decreases for Washington and Increases in Oregon 

When comparing the week of April 2 – April 8 with the week prior, the number of times an RMLS™ subscriber opened a Supra lockbox decreased 11,4% in Washington and increased1.6% in Oregon.


Supra Lockbox Activity: Updated Through the Week of March 26 – April 1

This Week’s Lockbox Activity Is Mixed for Washington and Oregon

When comparing the week of March 26 – April 1 with the week prior, the number of times an RMLS™ subscriber opened a Supra lockbox decreased 7.6% in Washington and increased 1.6% in Oregon.

Supra Lockbox Activity — Updated Through the Week of March 19 — 25

This Week’s Lockbox Activity Increases for Washington and Decreases in Oregon 

When comparing the week of March 19 – March 25 with the week prior, the number of times an RMLS™ subscriber opened a Supra lockbox increased 3.6% in Washington and decreased 3.2% in Oregon.