Business Planning and Marketing / CRS 200 (Salem)

The Council of Residential Specialists (CRS) invites you attend Business Planning and Marketing (CRS 200), a course designed to support students in developing a complete business plan, conducting budget analysis, promoting themselves, and more.

This course, worth up to 15 CE credits, is being presented by the Oregon Council of Residential Specialists and Oregon Association of REALTORS®.

Learn more or register for Business Planning and Marketing.

ADU Update: Taxation and Zoning Changes in Portland (Webinar)

Join Earth Advantage® and Kol Peterson (owner of Accessory Dwelling Strategies LLC and editor of for a one-hour webinar that will provide attendees with the latest updates on ADU taxation and zoning in Portland, Oregon.

The first half of the webinar will cover the latest information about the Oregon Department of Revenue and Multnomah County’s taxation methodology on ADUs and a statewide rulemaking on the issue that will happen this spring. The second half will provide information on the Accessory Structure Zoning Code changes for accessory structures that the City of Portland instituted starting January 1, 2016. These zoning changes significantly increase the flexibility of detached ADU placement and design.

Each topic will be addressed in 20 minutes of presentation followed by 10 minutes of questions and answers.

Read more or register for ADU Update: Taxation and Zoning Changes in Portland.

All About ADUs for Brokers (Portland)

Join Earth Advantage and local ADU expert Kol Peterson for a half-day course intended to increase brokers’ knowledge about accessory dwelling unit (ADU) development in order to respond to increasing client demand for properties with ADU potential. Many prospective home buyers are interested in building an ADU on their property. This course is intended to help brokers understand the basic planning and building regulations for ADU development in the City of Portland to better assist their clients.

Learning objectives:
• Understand what makes a property ADU-ready/eligible
• Learn what is involved in the process of getting approved to build an ADU
• Analyze taxation, valuation, and financing options for ADUs

• Understand the ADU design, permitting, and building process (attached, detached, and garage conversion)
• Gain access to resources to help your clients plan for their ADU, including a budget sample, contract types, development rebate programs, and more
• Get answers to ADU-specific questions and network with other brokers about this specialized topic

Read more or register for All About ADUs for Brokers.