Staying Out of Trouble with the Oregon Real Estate Agency (Portland)

Selina Barnes, Oregon Real Estate Agency (OREA) Regulations Divisions Manager offers a refreshed version of her popular Dos and Don’ts course. She’ll help keep you in compliance with OREA, including covering the following topics: advertising; record keeping; license maintenance requirements; principal broker supervision; and the agency process related to complaints, investigations, settlement conferences, and hearings.

Registration is $25, and attendees may earn 3 CE. Register for Tips for Staying Out of Trouble with the Agency.

Converting Leads Into Closings (Gresham)

Whether you are a new agent building your business or an established agent keeping your database fresh, maintaining a flow of potential customers is crucial to your success. Attracting leads is key, but if you don’t have effective systems for converting them into closings, you’re leaving money on the table. This new CRS one day course highlights traditional and digital approaches to identifying and closing more customers. Instruction and activities cover all aspects of a successful customer interaction experience—attraction, first contact, needs analysis, incubation, conversion, closing, and beyond.

Upon successful completion of this course, attendees will be able to:
• Develop systems for capturing, converting, and tracking leads
• Implement customer-focused campaigns that highlight consistent touches via various channels
• Integrate technical tools to enhance the efficiency and responsiveness of your lead management
• Set priorities for lead conversion and create an action plan for achieving them.

Instructor Mike Selvaggio has been in the real estate business since 1975. He is an active REALTOR® in Delaware and Pennsylvania, broker/owner of Delaware Homes, Inc., and served as the 2008 National President of the Council of Residential Specialists (CRS).

This course is worth 7.5 OR CE credits, 8 WA CE credits, and 8 credits toward a CRS designation. Registration includes a networking buffet luncheon.

Read more or register for Converting Leads into Closings.