Oregon Association of REALTORS® Fall Convention and Trade Show (Salem)

More information to come!

Real Estate Law (Portland)

Take a real estate course at Portland State University (PSU) this fall! Real Estate Law (USP 538) will provide a summary of real property law, with an emphasis on transactional issues, types of ownership, descriptions of property, easements, public and private limitations on use, real estate contracts, forms used in ownership conveyances, and more.

The course will be taught by Alan Brickley, JD, and is open to current PSU students as well as non-degree seeking students. Interested parties who are not PSU students should contact Gerry Mildner for registration assistance.

This course will start Tuesday, October 1st and continue Tuesdays through December 14th, 6:40 PM to 9:20 PM.

Read more about Real Estate Law at PSU.

Real Estate Valuation (Portland)

Take a real estate course at Portland State University (PSU) this fall! Real Estate Valuation (FIN 410/RE 539) will cover the fundamentals of appraising real estate, focusing on valuation techniques for income-producing real estate assets.

The course will be taught by Owen Bartels, and is open to current PSU students as well as non-degree seeking students. Interested parties who are not PSU students should contact Gerry Mildner for registration assistance.

This course will meet Mondays and Wednesdays October 1st through December 14th, 4:40 PM to 6:e0 PM.

Read more about Real Estate Valuation at PSU.