Broker Education Series (Salem)

RMLS™ invites all interested real estate professionals to Taking Back Control of the Appraisal Process. Scott Hamling will guide attendees through the appraisal process and how the Dodd-Frank Amendment affects a real estate business. He will provide useful tips REALTORS® can implement to help obtain the highest appraised value on listings, and how appraisers develop adjustment amounts.

This class is free, and worth up to 4 CE in Oregon. This event is free.

Read more and register for Taking Back Control of the Appraisal Process.

RMLS™ Appraiser Co-authors Article on Square Footage Analysis

RMLS™ subscriber and appraiser Ralph Olsen has co-authored a paper with Dr. Scott Wallace of Washington State University in Vancouver. Hidden Dangers in Sale Price Per Square Foot Analysis discusses the dangers of using price per square foot as the sole means for valuing a particular property. REALTORS® should gain insight to appraisers’ methodology and why this common practice can provide misleading results!

Read Hidden Dangers in Sale Price Per Square Foot Analysis by Ralph Olsen and Dr. Scott Wallace.

Home Performance Conference of Oregon (Portland)

UPDATED (September 23, 2014): FREE to RMLS™ brokers and appraisers! Register and use the discount code PROFIT for free registration.

Conference theme: “Real Estate Valuation of Home Performance”

In the main event hall, attendees will learn how to inform and work with partner professionals in the real estate, appraisal, and finance communities. This dialogue is necessary to ensure that performance improvements are reflected in a home’s market value. Presenters include leaders such as Earth Advantage, Taylor Watkins, and Fiona Douglas-Hamilton. Two additional session tracks will feature current business development and technical sessions primarily targeted to home performance contractors.

In 2013, the Home Performance Conference focused on cost effectiveness solutions. The discussions that took place in that forum have had lasting impact and influence. This year we are focusing on being proactive (rather than reactive, as was the case last year) by addressing the single most important issue facing our industry—getting homeowners to understand the value added by home performance contractors.

The 2014 conference aims to repeat and build on the successes of 2013 by bringing together a different but critically important set of industry stakeholders. We hope you’ll join us!

All event attendees receive breakfast, lunch, snack, and reception appetizers, and free parking. Up to 5CE credits are available! Register for the 2014 Home Performance Conference of Oregon.

Interested sponsors or exhibitors should contact Ann Griffin at (971) 275-6240.

Understanding Appraisals and BPOs (Gresham)

This course covers the residential appraisal process, giving the REALTOR® a look into the mind and thought process of the appraiser, and the regulations appraisers need to adhere to. A residential BPO model will be presented to REALTORS® that attend the class. This BPO model is a whole and complete market price estimating software that is modeled after the residential appraisal process that appraisers follow. This software, SmartBPO, is free to all REALTORS® who attend the course and learn how to use it. This class is worth 3 CE credits in both Oregon and Washington.

Register for Understanding Appraisals and BPOs through EMAR.

Understanding Appraisals and BPOs (Portland)

Presented by Ralph Olsen, this course will cover the residential appraisal process, giving the REALTOR® a look into the mind and thought process of the appraiser, and the regulations appraisers have to adhere to.

A residential BPO model will be presented to REALTORS® that attend the class. This BPO model is a whole and complete market price estimating software that is modeled after the residential appraisal process that appraisers follow. This software, SmartBPO, is free to all REALTORS® who attend the course and learn how to use it. CE credit is available in Washington and Oregon for the course.

Register for Understanding Appraisals and BPOs.

Understanding Appraisals and BPOs (Vancouver)

Presented by Ralph Olsen, this course will cover the residential appraisal process, giving the REALTOR® a look into the mind and thought process of the appraiser, and the regulations appraisers have to adhere to.

A residential BPO model will be presented to REALTORS® that attend the class. This BPO model is a whole and complete market price estimating software that is modeled after the residential appraisal process that appraisers follow. This software, SmartBPO, is free to all REALTORS® who attend the course and learn how to use it. CE credit is available in Washington and Oregon for the course.

Register for Understanding Appraisals and BPOs.

Understanding Appraisals and BPOs—3CE (Vancouver)

This course covers the residential appraisal process, giving the REALTOR® a look into the mind and thought process of the appraiser, and the regulations appraisers have to adhere to.

A residential BPO model will be presented to REALTORS® that attend the class. This BPO model is a whole and complete market price estimating software that is modeled after the residential appraisal process that appraisers follow. This software, SmartBPO, is free to all REALTORS® who attend the course and learn how to use it.

This class is worth 3CE credits in Oregon and Washington. Space is very limited! Register for Understanding Appraisals and BPOs.

DataMaster Appraiser Program Now Available to RMLS™ Subscribers

datamasterRMLS™ subscribers may now purchase the appraisal program DataMaster for use with RMLS™ data. DataMaster is a desktop application that imports MLS data from RMLS™ and public records data from another source. The data is combined into an appraiser’s existing appraisal software in order to quickly create an accurate 1004MC report.

DataMaster aims to increase an appraiser’s productivity by offering automatic importing, accuracy, and creating a 1004MC report in seconds. The software allows for custom formatting, and is UAD compliant.

Visit the DataMaster website for more information about the product, or to download a free 14-day trial.

Positive Change 2012: Major Lender Steps Outside the Box

Guest Post written by Randy Shervey and Bonnie Baldwin, Portland Rose City Chapter of NAIFA (National Association of Independent Fee Appraisers)

The recent one and one-half-day appraisers event that was held December 5th and 6th  in Seattle, Washington, found many members of the Rose City Chapter of NAIFA in attendance together with a total audience of 150, which included appraisers from Oregon, Washington and California.  While some of the time was spent on properly utilizing the required Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD) format, this event provided an enlightening and informative presentation that included many other interesting topics and eleven hours of Continuing Education Credit.

The sponsor of this event was Lender Support Services, a newly formed management division of US Bank that was created as a result of the new requirements from Dodd-Frank.  The event was prompted by the less than desirable quality of the appraisal reports they were receiving from various third party providers.

As part of the fifth largest bank in the nation Lender Support Services anticipates expansion of their coverage areas 10 fold in the coming months and wants to provide a source of business for top quality appraisers.  A key point emphasized was that they will require good quality, well documented, USPAP compliant appraisals and they stated numerous times throughout the presentations “we’re looking for the best appraisers” and “we are willing to pay for the best appraiser.”  They indicated payment for all completed appraisal work will be made within 30 days from receipt of the approved appraisal.  They are also considering implementation of a direct deposit option that will ensure even prompter payment.

We as Appraisers have heard similar lip service before from various potential and/or current clients, however US Bank is the first major lender  to actually step outside the box, own up to their obligations, and extend themselves with a precise business model that is intended to enhance their ability to better recognize and develop the best  approved appraiser panel.  They are making a sincere effort by working together with the appraisal community to provide educational development, communication and recognition of what we as fee appraisers deal with on a daily basis.

Their presentation included a team of six key members of their staff as speakers.  Tony Pistilli, Chief Residential Appraiser, discussed the procedures for US Banks residential lending process.  Todd Loudenslager, Senior VP and Senior Risk Officer informed attendees of the Banks obligations from a regulatory standpoint in the areas of fraud, disaster recovery, and operations, emphasizing that consistency in the valuation process is what federal regulators want.  Rick Davis, Assistant VP, of Collateral Assessment, presented their policy on appraisal review.  He pointed out that Underwriters will no longer be responsible for the appraisal review process.  Each and every appraisal completed for US Bank’s Lender Support Services will be reviewed by their  in-house review appraisal team, which is staffed with appraisers only.  Jennifer Blake-Parson, Appraisal Training Manager, discussed the training side of the process and will assist in the review process by instructing/training the appraiser in correct methodologies and appraisal skills whenever a need is indicated.

The last day of the event included a presentation by Mark Linne of Bradford Technologies. He shared his vision of the future for the appraisal industry and expressed a true understanding of the external pressures and uncertainty of the business environment we work in today.  It was a thought provoking presentation that emphasized the need for innovation in the appraisal process and what he feels we as “Independent Fee Appraisers” need to do to remain viable in the future.

In an effort to step up their recruitment and retention of the “best appraisers”  US Bank offered those of us who attended the opportunity to personally meet the appraisal team, so that we could learn and have a greater awareness of their perspectives and the new business model.

It was a refreshing and new experience for a lender to provide the opportunity to learn and grow together as industry partners.   As attendee’s at this event we came away with a new optimism for the future of our business and felt that by stepping outside the box US Bank created an image of themselves as a leader by restoring respect for and recognizing the integrity of what we as “Independent Fee Appraisers” do.  Other lenders and users of appraisal services take heed: “The Cream of the Crop will rise to the Top.”

Just as US Bank has stepped outside the box to become a leader in developing a more positive relationship with appraisers, placing good quality, well documented, USPAP compliant reports as a top priority, your local NAIFA Chapter will strive to take steps in 2012 to create opportunity through the individual development and education of its members and by fostering a greater awareness and more positive relationships with industry partners that include lenders, third party providers, Home Builders, Realtors and Legislators in an effort  that will enhance the appraisers future in this ever changing profession.

The “New Language” of Appraisal

Guest Post Written By Bonnie Baldwin, Vice President of the Rose City Chapter of National Association of Independent Fee Appraisers (NAIFA)

The one true constant in our industry is change.  As real estate agents, you have a comprehensive understanding of your market, and you fully describe the properties you list, market and sell. You can identify the components for condition and quality as good, average and poor.  You can define a view and its perception in the market. And, you know how to read the grid section of an appraisal, and comprehend and identify with the comments.

As we all know, when you throw a stone in the water, you get a ripple effect, which in this case will be referred to as the Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD), the “new language” of appraisal. This ripple will require a new understanding of the definitions and terms utilized in an appraisal that will code the quality and condition rating of a property. There will be new codes and abbreviations for rooms below grade, view and location codes. One and two story descriptions of the design/style of a home will be a thing of the past; now it will be architectural descriptions only. 61 different fields on four different appraisal report forms will reflect these new changes.

The Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD) is the “big news” in the appraisal and lending world today. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have established a specific set of responses that all appraisers will be required to comply with for any appraisal being submitted to the secondary market. The intent is to support consistent appraisal reporting, regardless of the geographic location of the property or any localized reporting conventions, by clarifying vague data currently utilized in the typical appraisal report.  

Effective September 1, 2011, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are set to roll out the Uniform Mortgage Data  Program (UMDP) creating a uniform approach for receiving and handling appraisal data with the intent to improve the quality and consistency of appraisal data on loans delivered to the government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs). This standardization was mandated at the direction of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) to improve operational efficiencies and to require appraisers, lenders, and appraisal management companies to conform to the new standardized requirements. HUD/FHA has also indicated they will be implementing the Uniform Appraisal Dataset later this year.

For more specific information about the “New Language” of appraisal, visit Fannie Mae’s website at Then, search for the Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD). Once there, click “UAD Field-Specific Standardization Requirements,” and print pages 34 – 37 for a useful reference of the codes and definitions. As a Certified Appraiser and Vice President of the Rose City Chapter of NAIFA, I encourage you to contact a Board Member or your NAIFA Appraiser at for additional information.