Are You Disclosing Your Disclosures on RMLSweb?

Only 16% of Listings in RMLSweb Have Documents Attached

When entering a listing in RMLSweb you can attach up to five PDFs of documents that would be useful to other agents such as:

  • Lead Paint Disclosures
  • Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions
  • Floor Plans
  • Feature Sheets
  • Platt Maps

It’s pretty simple to do and we’ve been told that it’s incredibly important to provide this information, but it appears that only a handful of agents are using this feature of RMLSweb. In fact, only 16% of active listings have documents attached.

We’re curious why that number is so low. Are any of those 6,500 listings yours? If so, what kinds of documents do you normally attach? If not, why don’t you use it? How do you share that information with your fellow agents? Leave a comment below and let us know.

Forms & Documents Keyword Search Added to RMLSweb

We’ve added a new Keyword Search to our Forms & Documents menu on RMLSweb. Our Forms & Documents menu has always been filled with lots of useful information, along with  the documents that you need in your day-to-day business.

Now, instead of navigating through a list of folders, you can type in a keyword and search! Here’s a short demonstration:

In addition to the Keyword Search, you can also browse by Tags or by the old “folder”-style organization. Oh, and you can also search the archives of Newsletter articles as well (we’ll have more on that later!).