Discover the Sales Benefits of RMLS™ Green Fields

Discover the RMLS™ Green Features Guide during a one-hour webinar with Fiona Douglas-Hamilton and Earth Advantage®!

This webinar will introduce brokers to the RMLS™ Green Features Guide and illustrate how the tool can be used to identify green features, develop custom searches, and more.

Attendees will learn how the RMLS™ Green Features Guide supports the new RMLS™ Green/Energy Supplement form; gain insight into matching green features to RMLS™ green fields; and learn how features and their benefits correlate with energy efficiency, water efficiency, indoor air quality, green materials, and site sustainability.

Register for Discover the Sales Benefits of RMLS™ Green Fields. Continuing education credit (1CE) is available to attendees.

OAR Green Designation Course (Portland)

The Oregon Association of REALTORS® will be offering their Green Designation course at the RMLS™ office in Portland October 12-14, 2015. Attendees can use these courses to obtain and use the National Association of REALTORS® Green Designation. Up to 18 hours of CE credit is available over three days, including the following classes:

Monday, October 12th
Green 100: Real Estate for a Sustainable FutureThis course will help attendees understand the role of real estate in finding the balance between people, planet, and prosperity. This course educates attendees on the wide array of nationally recognized certifications and ratings programs that evaluate homes, products, energy efficiency, and professionals.

Tuesday, October 13th
Green 200:The Science of Green Building
This course will familiarize attendees with green principles and choices in home design and construction; raise awareness of innovative materials, systems, and construction methods; educate about energy-efficient systems like onsite power generation; and distinguish levels and cost/benefits of retrofitting, remodeling, or renovating existing homes.

Wednesday, October 14th
Green 300: Greening Your Real Estate Business
This course gives real estate professionals the training needed to represent today’s sellers and buyers, teaching the skills green-minded REALTORS® need to utilize a new knowledge.

Learn more or register for OAR’s Green Designation Course in Portland.

RMLS™ Broker Education Series (Pendleton)

RMLS™ brings its Broker Education Series to Pendleton and invites interested subscribers and non-subscribers to attend. In the morning, Fiona Douglas-Hamilton of SEEC will present High Performance Heating Trends for Home Upgrades. In the afternoon, Fiona Douglas-Hamilton and Energy Trust of Oregon will lead site visits to energy-efficient homes in the area. Attendees may earn up to 5CE credits.

Register for the Broker Education Series event on September 24th in Pendleton.

Getting the Most Out of a Green Appraisal (Vancouver)

Do you wish to further understand the green fields available on RMLSweb and develop custom searches for clients seeking green features? Attend the Unlocking Green Value Series! This series of four courses promises to deepen your understanding of green features in homes and help you gain a competitive edge.

Getting the Most Out of a Green Appraisal one of the courses in the series, and will be offered May 1 from 1:15pm-4:45pm with 3.5 CE credits available. Register for Getting the Most out of a Green Appraisal. Don’t forget, discounts and free lunch are available for those registering for the series!

This series is presented by BIA Clark County, the Green Building Council, and SEEC LLC, and is approved by NAR’s Green Resource Council as alternative credit toward green designation.

Navigating Green Fields within the MLS Input Form (Vancouver)

Do you wish to further understand the green fields available on RMLSweb and develop custom searches for clients seeking green features? Attend the Unlocking Green Value Series! This series of four courses promises to deepen your understanding of green features in homes and help you gain a competitive edge.

Navigating Green Fields within the MLS Input Form is one of the courses in the series, and will be offered May 1 from 9:00am-12:30pm with 3.5 CE credits available. Register for Navigating Green Fields within the MLS Input Form. Don’t forget, discounts and free lunch are available for those registering for the series!

This series is presented by BIA Clark County, the Green Building Council, and SEEC LLC, and is approved by NAR’s Green Resource Council as alternative credit toward green designation.

Navigating Green Fields within the MLS Input Form (Vancouver)

Do you wish to further understand the green fields available on RMLSweb and develop custom searches for clients seeking green features? Attend the Unlocking Green Value Series! This series of four courses promises to deepen your understanding of green features in homes and help you gain a competitive edge.

Navigating Green Fields within the MLS Input Form is one of the courses in the series, and will be offered May 1 from 9:00am-12:30pm with 3.5 CE credits available. Register for Navigating Green Fields within the MLS Input Form. Don’t forget, discounts and free lunch are available for those registering for the series!

This series is presented by BIA Clark County, the Green Building Council, and SEEC LLC, and is approved by NAR’s Green Resource Council as alternative credit toward green designation.

Getting the Most Out of a Green Appraisal (Vancouver)

Do you wish to further understand the green fields available on RMLSweb and develop custom searches for clients seeking green features? Attend the Unlocking Green Value Series! This series of four courses promises to deepen your understanding of green features in homes and help you gain a competitive edge.

Getting the Most Out of a Green Appraisal one of the courses in the series, and will be offered April 17 from 9:00am-12:30pm with 3.5 CE credits available. Register for Getting the Most out of a Green Appraisal. Don’t forget, discounts and free lunch are available for those registering for the series!

This series is presented by BIA Clark County, the Green Building Council, and SEEC LLC, and is approved by NAR’s Green Resource Council as alternative credit toward green designation.

Green Building: The Marketing Advantage (Vancouver)

Do you wish to further understand the green fields available on RMLSweb and develop custom searches for clients seeking green features? Attend the Unlocking Green Value Series! This series of four courses promises to deepen your understanding of green features in homes and help you gain a competitive edge.

Green Building: The Marketing Advantage is the first course in the series, and will be offered April 3 from 1:15-4:45pm with 3.5 CE credits available. Register for Green Building: The Marketing Advantage. Don’t forget, discounts and free lunch are available for those registering for the series!

This series is presented by BIA Clark County, the Green Building Council, and SEEC LLC, and is approved by NAR’s Green Resource Council as alternative credit toward green designation.

Energy Performance Scores: Valuing Energy Improvements (Vancouver)

Do you wish to further understand the green fields available on RMLSweb and develop custom searches for clients seeking green features? Attend the Unlocking Green Value Series! This series of four courses promises to deepen your understanding of green features in homes and help you gain a competitive edge.

Energy Performance Scores: Valuing Energy Improvements one of the courses in the series, and will be offered April 3rd from 9:00 am-12:30pm with 3.5 CE credits available. Register for Energy Performance Scores: Valuing Energy Improvements. Don’t forget, discounts and free lunch are available for those registering for the series!

This series is presented by BIA Clark County, the Green Building Council, and SEEC LLC, and is approved by NAR’s Green Resource Council as alternative credit toward green designation.

Energy Performance Scores: Valuing Energy Improvements (Vancouver)

Do you wish to further understand the green fields available on RMLSweb and develop custom searches for clients seeking green features? Attend the Unlocking Green Value Series! This series of four courses promises to deepen your understanding of green features in homes and help you gain a competitive edge.

Energy Performance Scores: Valuing Energy Improvements one of the courses in the series, and will be offered March 20 from 1:15-4:45pm with 3.5 CE credits available. Register for Energy Performance Scores: Valuing Energy Improvements. Don’t forget, discounts and free lunch are available for those registering for the series!

This series is presented by BIA Clark County, the Green Building Council, and SEEC LLC, and is approved by NAR’s Green Resource Council as alternative credit toward green designation.