Supra Lockbox Activity – Updated Through Week of October 19-25

Number of lockboxes opened in Oregon & Southern Washington drops

When comparing the week of October 19 – 25 with the week prior, the number of times an RMLS™ subscriber opened a Supra lockbox decreased 11.9% in Washington and 15.4% in Oregon.

Click the chart for a larger view (Washington, top; Oregon, bottom)

View an archive of the Supra lockbox statistical reports on Flickr.

Supra Lockbox Activity – Updated Through Week of September 14-20

Lockbox Activity Down In Washington, Up In Oregon

When comparing the week of September 14-20 with the week prior, the number of times an RMLS subscriber opened a Supra lockbox decreased 1.2% in Washington and increased 1.4% in Oregon.

Click the chart for a larger view (Washington, top; Oregon, bottom)

View an archive of the Supra lockbox statistical reports on Flickr.

Supra Lockbox Activity – Updated Through Week of Aug. 31-Sept. 6

Lockbox Activity Down Over Labor Day Weekend

It appears some house hunters took a break to get in that last camping trip or to prepare their kids for school. In Washington, the number of times RMLS™ subscribers opened Supra lockboxes was down 8% when comparing the week of August 24-30 to the week of August 31-September 6. In Oregon activity was also down 5.5%.

Click the chart for a larger view (Washington, top; Oregon, bottom)

View an archive of the Supra lockbox statistical reports on Flickr.

Supra Lockbox Activity – Updated Through August 24

Lockbox activity down slightly

After an increase last week, lockbox activity dipped slightly in the week of August 10-16 compared to the prior week. In Washington, the number of times RMLS™ subscribers opened Supra lockboxes decreased 3.4% and in Oregon activity was down 1.4%.

Click the chart for a larger view (Washington, top; Oregon, bottom)

View an archive of the Supra lockbox statistical reports on Flickr.

Supra Lockbox Activity – Updated Through August 9

Lockbox activity rebounds

After a few down weeks, lockbox activity rebounded in the week of August 3-9 compared to the prior week. In Washington, the number of times RMLS™ subscribers opened Supra lockboxes increased 18.2% and in Oregon, activity was up 8.8%.

Click the chart for a larger view (Washington, top; Oregon, bottom)

View an archive of the Supra lockbox statistical reports on Flickr.

Supra Lockbox Activity – Updated Through August 2

Downward trend continues

Comparing July 20, 2009 through August 2, 2009 the number of times RMLS™ subscribers opened Supra lockboxes decreased 15% in Washington and 5.4% in Oregon.

Click the chart for a larger view (Oregon, left; Washington, right)

View an archive of the Supra lockbox statistical reports on Flickr.

Supra Lockbox Activity – Updated through July 26

Activity continues to slide, slightly

Comparing July 13, 2009 through July 26, 2009 the number of times RMLS™ subscribers opened Supra lockboxes decreased 1.4% in Washington and 1.9% in Oregon.

Click the chart for a larger view (Oregon, top; Washington, bottom)

View an archive of the Supra lockbox statistical reports on Flickr.

A Realtor’s ActiveKEY + Frozen Pizza + Peanut Butter Cup + GEO Metro in the Sun = ?

Short video shows why RMLS™ subscribers should keep their ActiveKEYs out of the heat this week

We’re going to have some serious heat in most of Oregon & Southwest Washington this week. As you try to stay cool in the hot weather, keep in mind this friendly ActiveKEY battery tip from Supra:

“Temperature extremes can affect battery performance. If the ActiveKEY is below 0° C (32° F) or above 40 ° C (104° F), it will not charge. During very cold or hot times of the year, bring your ActiveKEY in from your car at night and between showings.”

Also, watch this short video that poses the question – what happens when you leave an ActiveKEY, a frozen pizza and a frozen peanut butter cup in my 1997 Geo Metro that is parked in direct sunlight?

We filmed this a few weeks ago when it was up to about 94 degrees, so keep in mind that you might see more dramatic results in the next few days. Anyone have any other suggestions for things we should try to melt in my car?

PS:  We really do recommend that you remove your key from your car if it’s going to be parked in the sun for a long time – especially for agents that go to our Portland office – because we currently have a limited supply of ActiveKEYs due to a parts shortage at Supra. If you do need to get a new ActiveKEY, please call ahead at 503-236-7657 to ensure that we have one available for you.

Supra Lockbox Activity – Updated through July 19

Activity down over previous week

Comparing July 6, 2009 through July 19, 2009 the number of times RMLS™ subscribers opened Supra lockboxes decreased 0.1% in Washington and 3.9% in Oregon.

Click the chart for a larger view (Oregon, left; Washington, right)

View an archive of the Supra lockbox statistical reports on Flickr.

Supra Lockbox Activity – Updated through July 12: Back Up After Holiday

While, the number of lockboxes that were accessed dipped during the week of the 4th of July, they seem to have rebounded nicely. Comparing June 29, 2009 through July 12, 2009 the number of times RMLS™ subscribers opened Supra lockboxes increased 23.9% in Washington and 21.9% in Oregon.

Click the chart for a larger view (Oregon, left; Washington, right)

View an archive of the Supra lockbox statistical reports on Flickr.