Give Potential Clients a Snapshot of Who You Are


Have you been itching to set-up a digital portfolio to give your clients a more holistic view of. . .well, you? If you’ve been looking for a way to display all your achievements digitally—both professionally and personally—you might want to check out Pathbrite.

Pathbrite is a new company that lets users create digital portfolios that go way beyond the usual flat resume and timeline display. The company originally targeted students applying to college or first-time job seekers. However, Pathbrite is really for anyone, of any age, who wants to create a digital portfolio.

Check out how some of the Pathbrite staff use it to display their own experience.

What do you think? Would you find this technology useful?

One Response to “Give Potential Clients a Snapshot of Who You Are”

  1. Derek Gordon August 20, 2012 at 9:30 am #

    Thanks so much for the shout-out, Mary-Frances. A recent new feature in Pathbrite enables users to publish their portfolios to an embed code, which makes it easy to then insert a portfolio into any Web site, blog or Tumblr account. It’s a great way to showcase capabilities and accomplishments in a person’s career.

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