New RMLS™ Subscriber Information


We want to let you know about some changes we’ve made to make being a new RMLS™ subscriber even easier!

First, instead of receiving all of the paper on the right side of this photo, you’ll receve the brochure on the left–the Quick Start Guide to RMLS™. That’s right, we wanted to cut down not only on the amount of paper we used to deliver information but in today’s economy we wanted cut down on the cost as well!

The Quick Start Guide includes:

  • Essential contact information
  • Information about RMLS™ services
  • Rules and Regulations tips
  • Your public ID and member number

In addition, we’ve gone digital! Now all the information you need as a new subscriber can found in one place on our subscriber website– On the left-hand side of the screen under “Links” you’ll see “Welcome New Subscribers!”.

That link will take you to a PDF with all the information you need to navigate the world of RMLS™. Plus the file has embedded links that will take you to current documents inside RMLSweb. This information will always be up-to-date for you.

At RMLS™ we are very excited by this change. We feel it offers the following benefits:

  • More environmentally friendly
  • Cost savings
  • Information online will always be up-to-date and not need to be reprinted to update
  • Subscribers have access to this information anytime they are on RMLSweb
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