How Are We Doing? Subscriber Satisfaction Survey Results





RMLS™ subscribers were recently invited to reflect on our services through this year’s Subscriber Satisfaction Survey. Staff members have been reading through every comment submitted since the survey closed. We’d like to share the results with subscribers as well, so over the next few weeks we’ll be highlighting some questions from the survey.

Asking a diverse set of REALTORS® who use our site regularly was bound to yield a flood of feedback. While there were generally favorable comments on some topics and some negative feedback about others, it was also interesting to see directly opposing comments on the same specific topic!

Overall, how easy do you find RMLSweb to use?

RMLSweb scored a cumulative 3.8 on this one, almost square in the middle of “Pretty Easy” and “Very Easy.”

Subscriber comments included:
• “Some of the recent changes have made it more user-friendly, so it’s not as cumbersome as before.”
• “I am not techy, and RMLSweb is one of the easist websites that I have used. If I have questions, tech support is there for me. If I want help, there are classes. If I want personal help, there is the Friday morning one-on-one opportunity.”
• “Abbreviations are very difficult, perhaps a pop-up definition per term?” 

• “It is amazing how much RMLS™ has improved in the past 32 years!” [Ed. Note: RMLS™ began offering service in 1991, 21 years ago.]

How did the following RMLS™ projects (released since our last survey) affect your business?

Enabling photo upload for in-progress listings was the winner, but not by much. Adding a “Short Sale Pending” status to RMLSweb listings was nearly as helpful to respondents. Rounding out the top three, the implementation of Bing Maps on the site was favorably received by most subscribers.

Subscriber comments included:
“I think any time you can have tools to be able to show your clients to help them understand the market is a huge tool in our business.”
• “Photos for in-progress listings was the best of all!”
• “Bing Maps are a big improvement.”
• “Bing Maps are worse than previous, generally.”
• “Listing Load could be a lot simpler.”
• “The share button, and listing load with click stats are the best changes I’ve seen in a while. Keep up the great work.”

Next time, we’ll reveal how subscribers generally interface with RMLS™.

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