Archive by Author


Old CMA Report Feature to be Discontinued December 31, 2010

Learn and experience our new, improved CMA Since the release of the new CMA, the number of old CMA users has been steadily declining. Because of this, we will be discontinuing the old CMA report feature so that we can now focus on pursuing future projects and improvements. You may have noticed that we have […]

Supra Releases eKEY Software and Adapter for iPhone

By Shannon Henry, Customer Service Manager for RMLS™ One of the most common Supra-related questions we’ve received here at RMLS™ over the past few years has been, “When will I be able to use an iPhone as my lockbox key?” Well, we’re pleased to announce that as of today eKEY Basic service is available on […]

Scam Alert

Attention all Realtors® Numerous Realtors® have reported receiving emails and phone calls from a person out-of country who claims to need assistance with an all-cash real estate purchase. The caller may also insist on the need to retain a lawyer with a trust account, and requests a referral. The Realtor® or referred lawyer soon receives […]

August Real Estate Events & Education

This August, take advantage of FREE RMLSweb training Here’s a quick rundown of upcoming real estate events & education for August in Oregon & Southern Washington. If you have an event that is not listed here, please let us know by commenting below. For future events, please send an e-mail to communications (at) rmls (dot) […]

PMAR’s Got Talent – Talent Show October 4th

Portland Metropolitan Association of Realtors® is hosting auditions for the First Annual PMAR’s Got Talent Wow your collegues and members of the real estate industry with your hidden (or not-so-hidden) talent at PMAR’s Got Talent, all while supporting the Realtor® PAC – the only political action committee that supports your business. The event itself will […]