Archive by Author


All Room Features: Simplifying Searches

  Save time using this new field in Advanced Search Now, you have the ability to search across all rooms for a particular room feature. The recent All Room Features field addition to Advanced Search on RMLSweb will help you be much more efficient in your searching. We know this firsthand because the Communications staff […]

New Updates on RMLSweb Now in Action

RMLSweb has been updated with some new and exciting features: 1) Electronic input forms are now available in several formats on RMLSweb. Take a look at the Listing Input Forms Change Summary to see all changes. 2) In client and agent reports, most city and county names are now links to local municipalities for that […]

May Real Estate Events & Education

This May, get educated with FREE RMLSweb training Here’s a quick rundown of upcoming real estate events & education for May in Oregon & Southern Washington. If you have an event that is not listed here, please let us know by commenting below. For future events, please send an e-mail to communications (at) rmls (dot) com. Events […]

Fair Housing Laws Protect Us All

Fair housing is not just about “them”; we all belong to one or more protected class By Jo Becker, Education/Outreach Specialist, Fair Housing Council of Oregon This is the last in a series of blogs about April being the federal Fair Housing Month. Fair housing laws apply to all housing transactions—sales, mortgage lending, home insurance, […]

Supra Lockbox Activity – Updated Through April 11

Lockbox opens rebound, graphs get new look When comparing the week of April 5 – April 11 with the week prior, the number of times an RMLS™ subscriber opened a Supra lockbox increased 33% in Washington and 26.6% in Oregon. Click the chart for a larger view Archive View an archive of the Supra lockbox […]