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What’s Your Brand?

When it comes to promoting your business you’ve probably heard a lot about creating a Facebook profile, tweeting or posting photos to Pinterest. It can be easy to jump on to one of these social networks and hope it will help market your work to potential clients. Any one of these platforms can be a […]


Picture Perfect

The use of photos and photo captions on listings is something we hear a lot about at RMLS™. Our subscribers ask us to remind listing agents to put multiple photos on their properties and to use photo captions. Subscribers have told us that photos and captions help clarify what a property has to offer and […]

10 Tips for Avoiding Compliance Issues

Guest post by Vallerie Bush, RMLS Rules Administrator Compliance notification is not something our subscribers are excited to receive, and often they aren’t sure how they have broken the rules. However, in most cases the solution to their compliance issue is a simple fix! Below you will find 10 tips for avoiding RMLS™ compliance issues. Follow […]

Mobile App for On-The-Go Realtor® Safety

Available for purchase at the iTunes Store Although June is not Realtor® Safety Month (September is!), it’s important to keep up-to-date with any safety resources that become newly available, whether it’s “Safety Month” or not. Often times, real estate professionals are left alone when showing an open house or when meeting a potential client. These […]

Adventures in Social Media

Stay current with the RMLS™ Twitter and Facebook accounts! Sometime during the last decade, the term “social media” grew more fiercely than wildfire. Social networking sites such as Facebook, Foursquare and LinkedIn were created. To go even farther, we began to see social media in the form of blogging (WordPress, Blogspot), micro-blogging (Twitter), online reviewing […]