Tag Archives: Facebook


Adventures in Social Media

Stay current with the RMLS™ Twitter and Facebook accounts! Sometime during the last decade, the term “social media” grew more fiercely than wildfire. Social networking sites such as Facebook, Foursquare and LinkedIn were created. To go even farther, we began to see social media in the form of blogging (WordPress, Blogspot), micro-blogging (Twitter), online reviewing […]

Surviving Social Media

Just wanted to quickly plug an upcoming event hosted by PMAR on June 8: “Internet Networking Survival Skills”. David Gibbons from Zillow will share his experience with social media and help you learn how to avoid common pitfalls. Natalie and I, along with a few other folks from the team attended REBarCamp PDX (Real Estate […]

Arriving (fashionably?) Late to the Blog Party: RMLS™

We realize you don’t always have time to login and scan the RMLSweb newsletter page for the latest updates when you’re busy running your company, developing your personal brand, listing property and meeting with clients. We get exhausted just thinking about it. So we’ve decided to try and bring this information to you in the […]