Tag Archives: forms


Spotlight on Supplements: Additional Structures and Farm & Ranches

Learn more about these two new Supplement forms! Five new Supplement forms became available for subscribers on August 3rd. These new forms allow subscribers to share even more details about their listings. Read about the Additional Structures Supplement form and the Farm and Ranches Supplement form below! Additional Structures Supplement: The new Additional Structures Supplement […]

Coming August 3rd: Listing Forms Change

Includes New Supplement Forms! Each year, the RMLS™ Forms Committee, which is comprised of volunteer Realtor® subscribers, recommends changes to the Listing Input Forms to be approved by the Board of Directors. The annual Forms Change will be released on August 3rd, 2011 from the suggestions made in 2010. Click here to view the Listing Forms Change […]

Forms & Documents Keyword Search Added to RMLSweb

We’ve added a new Keyword Search to our Forms & Documents menu on RMLSweb. Our Forms & Documents menu has always been filled with lots of useful information, along with  the documents that you need in your day-to-day business. Now, instead of navigating through a list of folders, you can type in a keyword and search! […]