Tag Archives: Portland


Supra Lockbox Activity – Updated Through August 24

Lockbox activity down slightly After an increase last week, lockbox activity dipped slightly in the week of August 10-16 compared to the prior week. In Washington, the number of times RMLS™ subscribers opened Supra lockboxes decreased 3.4% and in Oregon activity was down 1.4%. Click the chart for a larger view (Washington, top; Oregon, bottom) […]

The $8K Tax Credit and its Effect on Portland Metro Real Estate

There’s been some encouraging news lately in the RMLS™ market areas. The number of sales and pending sales are finally outpacing the totals from the same month in 2008.  How much of it might be a result of the $8,000 first-time homebuyer tax credit, though? I recently put together some statistics for the Oregonian on the Portland metro […]

July Market Action Released: Reports Show Improvement in Oregon & Southwest Washington Real Estate

We released the latest Market Action reports to RMLS™ subscribers yesterday. Many areas of Oregon and Southwest Washington are showing improvement as far as sales and inventory go – here are a few highlights: Inventory: Inventory is showing steady improvement in Portland (7.3 months), Clark County (7.3 months), and Lane County (6.2 months). In most […]

Supra Lockbox Activity – Updated Through August 2

Downward trend continues Comparing July 20, 2009 through August 2, 2009 the number of times RMLS™ subscribers opened Supra lockboxes decreased 15% in Washington and 5.4% in Oregon. Click the chart for a larger view (Oregon, left; Washington, right) Archive View an archive of the Supra lockbox statistical reports on Flickr.

A Realtor’s ActiveKEY + Frozen Pizza + Peanut Butter Cup + GEO Metro in the Sun = ?

Short video shows why RMLS™ subscribers should keep their ActiveKEYs out of the heat this week We’re going to have some serious heat in most of Oregon & Southwest Washington this week. As you try to stay cool in the hot weather, keep in mind this friendly ActiveKEY battery tip from Supra: “Temperature extremes can […]

July Real Estate Events and Education

Here’s a quick rundown of upcoming Realtor® events & education in our service areas for July. If you have an event that is not listed here, please let us know by commenting below. For future events, please send an e-mail to communications (at) rmls (dot) com.   – July 16: OAR (Oregon Association of Realtors) hosts Dealing with […]

Agents: How Upcoming Map Upgrades Can Help You

I think one of the coolest things about our upcoming release for mapping on RMLSweb is that you’ll be able to save custom Map Ranges & use them in several different searches (including Advanced Search, Hotsheet Search, Open House Search, Broker/MLS Tour Search, Actual Expired Search and Prospecting). What does that mean to you, though? […]

Surviving Social Media

Just wanted to quickly plug an upcoming event hosted by PMAR on June 8: “Internet Networking Survival Skills”. David Gibbons from Zillow will share his experience with social media and help you learn how to avoid common pitfalls. Natalie and I, along with a few other folks from the team attended REBarCamp PDX (Real Estate […]

First-Time Homebuyers Making a Splash

Are first-time homebuyers making an impact on the real estate market? I recently received a statistical request from a writer at the Oregonian who wanted to know if over the last year the percentage of buyers in lower-price ranges has risen. As it turned out, in Portland, those buying homes in the $0 – $499,999 range now make […]