Results of the 2010 Subscriber Satisfaction Survey are now available

In November 2010, we sent out the second RMLS™ satisfaction survey to subscribers. The goal was to gather feedback from our subscribers regarding their impressions of our services. This would ultimately let us know how to hone our strengths and also improve our weaknesses.

During the course of the survey, we received 2,479 responses, which represented about 22% of RMLS™ subscribers. In addition, we received thousands of comments.

Post Survey. After the survey ended, a group of RMLS™ employees teamed up to review the results. We read over each and every comment provided to us. We also categorized the responses and sent them to the appropriate RMLS™ departments for review.

To take our results even further, we also compiled a 2010 Subscriber Satisfaction Survey Report, which breaks down the responses for each question and provides a summary and notable comments from subscribers.

RMLS™ Rules and Regulations. One thing we noticed while reviewing the results of the survey was that many subscribers had questions or confusion surrounding our Rules and Regulations process. Therefore, last week we published a guest blog post written by Vallerie Bush, the RMLS™ Rules Compliance Administrator, to clear up some of these questions.

2011 Projects. The results of the survey also help us decide which projects should be considered as a priority for the upcoming year. Take a look at question 4 in the survey. Subscribers were asked to rank their interest in some of the projects to be considered for 2011. Results of this question were included for decision making input for the RMLS™ Board of Directors at their annual Leadership Retreat in early February. As you can see from the results in the report, the Photo Loading project received the highest score from subscribers. This project is now in the works and will be available for subscribers sometime later this quarter or early next quarter.

We want to thank those subscribers who took the time to answer our survey. We value each and every response. If you have any questions, feel free to email