The RMLS™ Rules and Regulations Committee has requested that reports about the number of formal violations, the type of violations, and the results get shared periodically with subscribers. Read “If a RMLS™ Rule is Broken, What Happens?” for a deeper explanation.
The RMLS™ Rules and Regulations Committee reviews all formal complaints which allege a violation of the RMLS™ Rules and Regulations. The committee has the power to impose sanctions.
Violations in May through September 2018
During the period from May through September of 2018 there was one new violation submitted which resulted in a fine of $250. There was also one violation submitted that resulted in no fine being levied. The cited violations were as follows:
Section 5.1.S. Marketing of Listing Prior to RMLS™ Publication
• Marketing a listing prior to publication in RMLSweb
Section 5.1.G. Sold or Leased
• Sold status change input over 144 hours.
Over the same period staff also responded to 2,217 phone calls and reviewed 202,255 listings for inaccurate data. Combined with the Report Issue button and email sent directly to rules@rmls.com the Data Accuracy Department was able to help subscribers make 7,380 corrections to listings in order to ensure that RMLS™ subscribers have the most accurate data. The top corrections that our team made were for personal promotion, missing owner name, and incorrect first photo.