The Rules Roundup provides a monthly accounting of RMLS rules violations and courtesy notifications. Our Data Accuracy team manages all reports of property listing errors, tracking 34 specific issues outlined in the RMLS Rules and Regulations, and is responsible for addressing subscriber questions and concerns regarding listing accuracy whether those are submitted via the “Report Issue” button on a listing, through email, or by phone. When there are increases in specific violation types, we often place notifications on RMLSweb in order to alert subscribers so that they can avoid violations.


One of our most common rule violations is for failing to follow showing instructions on a listing. Please, remember to check the showing instructions prior to entering a property that is listed in the RMLS system. Even if you checked the listing the day before, in the current fast-paced market changes can come swiftly. If there are any questions about the instructions, please reach out to the Seller’s Agent. If you are the Seller’s Agent and the instructions need to be changed, please do so as soon as is practical to avoid any confusion.

If you have any questions or need any assistance, please reach out to Data Accuracy at or 503-395-1916.


The RMLS Rules and Regulations Committee reviews all formal complaints which allege a violation of the RMLS Rules and Regulations. The committee has the power to impose sanctions.

The committee did not review any cases in November 2021.


In November 2021, the RMLS Data Accuracy staff reviewed 21,664 listings in addition to the 331 notices sent through the “Report Issue” button on RMLSweb. Of the items reviewed, 1,102 violation notices and 1,054 courtesy notices were sent out. In addition, our team handled 297 phone calls.

Category November
Missing Tax ID 437
Personal Promotion 109
Incorrect or Missing Information 96
Missing School 72
Incorrect Status 51
Incorrect Property Type 50
Duplicate Listing 47
No Showings 41
Conditions to Compensation 40
Property Condition 39
Missing Owner Name 39
Is Property a Condo 16
Listing Input in Incorrect MLS area 11
Incorrect First Photo 11
Inaccurate Lot Size 9
Missing Condo Unit Number 9
Address Issues 8
Partial Bathrooms 5+ 5
Duplicate Listing Sold in Different Categories 5
City Unknown 3
Missing SQFT by Level 2

The following are the courtesy notifications sent to RMLS subscribers in November 2021:

Category November
Listing is Set to Expire 610
Listing Still Pending 258
Multiple Owner Names in First Field 161
New Listing Input Over 24 Hours 25

Questions about RMLS Rules and Regulations or the accuracy of specific listings can be directed to the RMLS Data Accuracy department at or 503.395.1916.