A Letter from the President: Help RMLS™ Celebrate 25 Years in 2016

A Letter from the President: Help RMLS™ Celebrate 25 Years in 2016


Dear Friends,

This year RMLS™ is celebrating its 25th anniversary!

In 1991, Regional Multiple Listing Service (RMLS™) was created out of five Portland-area REALTOR® associations. Over the last 25 years our subscribers have gone from scanning listings in bulky listing books to being able to find dozens of options for clients with the touch of a button. Along the way, RMLS™ has been there providing the technology and ensuring the accuracy of data. We’ve expanded our service area greatly in that time, and the type of services we’re able to provide across the region.

You’ll see RMLS™ observing this milestone across Oregon and Southwest Washington throughout 2016. We’ll be reaching out to partners at local associations and celebrating at RMLS™ events around the state such as the RMLS™ Education Summit and Trade Fair happening in Portland next month. You might even see a surprise or two pop up on RMLSweb.

RMLS™ flourishes through the partnerships of our shareholder organizations, local organizations, and the RMLS™ Board of Directors. Their support provides direction for the organization. Of course, RMLS™ would not exist without its REALTOR® subscribers! RMLS™ subscribers provide invaluable knowledge in their daily business that spurs innovation on RMLSweb.

Here’s to another 25 years! We hope you’ll help RMLS™ celebrate in 2016.


Kurt von Wasmuth