Holiday Greetings from RMLS

Happy Holidays to all of our subscribers & friends in the real estate world!

We’re thankful to be working with a great network of 12,000+ Realtors® and real estate professionals in Oregon & Southern Washington. Thank you for all you do & for helping so many people “be home for Christmas” this year.

Warmest wishes this holiday season and cheers to a wonderful 2010!

RMLS™ Holiday Schedule

All RMLS™ offices will be closed for Christmas on December 25 and for New Year’s Day on January 1. Some of the RMLS™ offices will also be closed for an additional day around the holidays.

Closed December 24: Hood River, Coos County, Curry County

Closed December 31:Eastern Oregon

Closed January 4: Florence

The RMLS™ Help Desk will also be closed Saturday, December 26 and Saturday, January 2. Should you need to report an emergency during this time, please call our Corporate Office (503-236-7657 in Portland, 877-256-2169 outside of Portland) and select the “Emergency” menu option and a technician will contact you shortly.

Are You Disclosing Your Disclosures on RMLSweb?

Only 16% of Listings in RMLSweb Have Documents Attached

When entering a listing in RMLSweb you can attach up to five PDFs of documents that would be useful to other agents such as:

  • Lead Paint Disclosures
  • Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions
  • Floor Plans
  • Feature Sheets
  • Platt Maps

It’s pretty simple to do and we’ve been told that it’s incredibly important to provide this information, but it appears that only a handful of agents are using this feature of RMLSweb. In fact, only 16% of active listings have documents attached.

We’re curious why that number is so low. Are any of those 6,500 listings yours? If so, what kinds of documents do you normally attach? If not, why don’t you use it? How do you share that information with your fellow agents? Leave a comment below and let us know.

Thank You.

Thank You.

It’s our favorite time of year, a time for family, succulent turkey, delicious pies, stuffing… well, we could get carried away about the food… more importantly, though, it’s a time to give thanks.

To our subscribers, we want to thank you for:

Cooperation. The network of more than 12,000 real estate professionals that subscribe to RMLS™ have assisted 31,122 people in Oregon and Washington with a real estate transaction in 2009.

Your feedback. You’ve provided lots of feedback about our services this year. We received more than 2,100 responses alone in our first ever customer satisfaction survey. While we evaluate the survey results, we encourage you to continue to provide feedback and suggestions on RMLSweb – just scroll over Toolkit and click on Questions/Comments. We serve a diverse group of customers, each with unique business needs. While it might not always be possible to meet each need, we’re doing our best to listen to all of your ideas and work toward making them a reality.

Your patience. We’re proud to say that, aside from planned outages, RMLSweb has officially been available 99.9% of the time this year. But sometimes we have to close up shop to make changes or additions and, on rare occasions, something goes wrong. Thanks for understanding when we aren’t available for you.

Our subscribers who serve. RMLS™ Realtor®-subscribers comprise our Board of Directors, Service Advisory Committee, Technology Committee, Forms Committee and Rules & Regulations Committee and also serve on other task forces as needed. Thank you to all who generously contribute their time and efforts to helping guide our decisions.

Reading this blog. We’ve had over 10,000 visits since we launched this blog in June and we’re starting to have some great conversation about RMLS™, market trends and other industry news. Thanks also to the hundreds of followers and fans of our Twitter & Facebook accounts. We hope you’ll continue to make these a part of your online activities and that you’ll join in the conversation.

Attending our classes and events. Approximately 4,000 of you have chosen to take an RMLS™ class or have attended an RMLS™ Trade Fair this year. We hope that you’ll continue to take advantage of these free educational opportunities.

We’re thankful for being able to work with such a great community of Realtors® and real estate professionals and we wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving and holiday season!

Photo courtesy of Jennifer Dickert, available under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

For Fun: My Beatles Mix for Real Estate Agents

It’s a big day for Beatles fans. Their full catalogue was re-mastered and re-released, plus the long-awaited arrival of Beatles Rock Band.

It doesn’t sound like Beatles songs will be available on iTunes yet, but if you have an extensive Beatles collection, here’s my recommended Beatles mix for real estate agents (my reasoning in parenthesis).

  • A Hard Day’s Night (You work hard, you come home)
  • Crying Waiting Hoping (Originally by Buddy Holly. Could be renamed, “Ode to a Short Sale”. I hope there’s not a lot of crying, but I know from personal experience there can be a lot of waiting and hoping.)
  • Getting Better (The real estate market has been getting better!)
  • Help! (Exactly what a Realtor can provide!)
  • In My Life (“There are places I remember”, and when those places are for sale, call your Realtor!)
  • It Won’t Be Long (Your clients will be “coming on home”)
  • Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da (Can’t leave this one off the list! “They have built a home-sweet-home”)
  • Penny Lane (I wonder what the real estate market is like there)
  • Searchin’ (Replace “her” with “a home”; good for when you’re searching the MLS)
  • We Can Work It Out (Nice, optimistic song for agents during negotiations)
  • When I Get Home (The title speaks for itself)
  • Yellow Submarine (If the land of submarines really existed, I imagine it would be pretty pricey real estate)

Does anyone else have other suggestions for a Beatles/Real Estate mix? Leave a comment!

Image courtesy of Alejandro González G.

Arriving (fashionably?) Late to the Blog Party: RMLS

We realize you don’t always have time to login and scan the RMLSweb newsletter page for the latest updates when you’re busy running your company, developing your personal brand, listing property and meeting with clients. We get exhausted just thinking about it. So we’ve decided to try and bring this information to you in the virtual worlds where you already work and play.

For example, you can subscribe to our new blog with your RSS reader and you’ll be able to easily see when we post something new. Then you can choose to read it on your own schedule.

Plus, this blog allows us to talk about other industry related information that may be interesting to you, but wouldn’t normally be appropriate for the RMLSweb newsletter page or a direct e-mail from us.

We’ve also created an RMLSweb Twitter account to keep you updated with quick bursts of information. Follow us @RMLSweb.

We hope you will find the information we post here to be interesting and useful. Please don’t be shy. We welcome your comments, questions and suggestions.

P.S. I almost forgot! Just for fun we’ve created a Facebook fan page. Hope to see you there.