Real Talk with RMLS, Episode 30: MLS Aligned

Real Talk with RMLS, Episode 30: MLS Aligned

Beth Raimer sits down with Kurt von Wasmuth this week to chat about MLS Aligned—a partnership between five MLS organizations across the country that are working together to tackle their surprisingly similar issues.

Don’t forget to subscribe to Real Talk with RMLS on iTunes or Google Play

Music: “Tropical Summer” by ArtIss (via

Real Talk with RMLS, Episode 29: RMLS Leadership Retreat

Real Talk with RMLS, Episode 29: RMLS Leadership Retreat

What the heck is the RMLS leadership retreat? This week, host Beth Raimer talks to John Ayers about what happens at this annual gathering and decision-making event. If you’ve ever wondered how high-level planning gets done at RMLS, you won’t want to miss this. Don’t forget to subscribe to Real Talk with RMLS on iTunes or Google Play Music: “Tropical Summer” by ArtIss (via
Real Talk with RMLS, Episode 29: RMLS Leadership Retreat

Real Talk with RMLS, Episode 27: Subscriber Fee Increase and Upcoming Improvements

RMLS subscribers may have noticed a different fee structure in their fourth quarter invoice. This week, host Beth Raimer talks to John Ayers about the recent subscriber fee increase and what subscribers will be seeing as a result in the months ahead. Don’t forget to subscribe to Real Talk with RMLS on iTunes or Google Play! Music: “Tropical Summer” by ArtIss (via
Real Talk with RMLS, Episode 29: RMLS Leadership Retreat

Real Talk with RMLS, Episode 25: Apps for REALTORS®

Looking for some technical tools to help you do your work? This week Ryan Jacobsen, RMLS trainer, joins fellow trainer and host Beth Raimer to review some of the apps they’ve found to help REALTORS®. Don’t forget to subscribe to Real Talk with RMLS on iTunes or Google Play!   Music: “Tropical Summer” by ArtIss (via
Real Talk with RMLS, Episode 29: RMLS Leadership Retreat

Real Talk with RMLS, Episode 23: What’s At the Bottom of an Agent Full?

What are all those links at the bottom of the Agent Full report on RMLSweb? Host Beth Raimer talks with Melanie Huff and Kurt von Wasmuth about the tools available through links at the bottom of an Agent Full on RMLSweb. Listeners may now subscribe to Real Talk with RMLS on iTunes and Google Play!   Music: “Tropical Summer” by ArtIss (via