Dear Technical Terry,
I’m really looking for ways to constructively fill my time with all the social distancing during this pandemic. One of my fellow realtors said they saw some good resources on the RMLSweb desktop page, but I haven’t looked yet. Can you help me out with some ideas?
I’m concerned that what I’m really looking for is a way to ask specific questions about the RMLS™ modules and possibly some third-party software too. How can I do that?
— Bored on Broadway
Hi BB,
I can sure relate to your perspective. It can be challenging to keep yourself busy in a constructive manner (instead of, say, just binge-watching Tiger King on Netflix).
The article your fellow Realtor® mentioned is on the RMLSweb desktop page. I have included the info for you below, including links to various resources for our third-party vendors.
Regarding our modules, the RMLS™ Training team has just launched a new one-on-one training concept called Virtual Classroom! Registration is just like any one of our other courses, and here are Virtual Classroom details:
- Classes are scheduled in one-hour blocks.
- Go to Toolkit → Training Registration to find the option for “Web One on One” in the class scheduler.
- Select this option and the date you wish to meet online, then select from the available times.
- Please include any specifics you want us to focus on in the Comments box, then submit your selected date, time and comments.
- A Trainer will confirm the appointment via email and provide you a link to join the video meeting.
- When connecting to the Zoom meeting, using your computer audio is fine, particularly if you have a headset you use with your computer (this is my preferred way of video conferencing). You may also call into any of the phone numbers provided in the meeting information.
See you online BB!!
RMLS™ Third-Party Partners Training and Support Opportunities
A full calendar of live, self-paced, and prerecorded webinars is available to all RMLS™ subscribers including everything from a Homesnap Crash Course to Finding Seller Leads and can be accessed here. Homesnap also offers a brand-new webinar in the series “Five Tips for Providing Your Clients a Happier Home Search,” which is live at nine different times this week. Last, we have recently completed an overhaul of the Homesnap University Page, which is another excellent resource for all RMLS™ subscribers and includes quick tutorials, printables, and more!
Accessing support and training content for RMLS™ Subscribers from REMINE has never been easier. Whether it’s Getting Started with REMINE, the REMINE Mobile App, registering for a Training webinar or Chatting with the REMINE support team, you can do it all from the link: REMINE Training & Support for RMLS™ Subscribers
During this time of enhanced awareness of social distancing, using a great tool like ShowingTime to provide enhanced control over the showing schedule of your seller’s property is paramount. To learn more about how ShowingTime can work for you and for an array of ShowingTime support and training options: ShowingTime Knowledge Base for RMLS™ Subscribers. ShowingTime has also set up a dedicated page with short videos that describe how to set up and use live streaming in tandem with ShowingTime.
Immoviewer’s software platform combines automated real estate video content creation with simple, affordable and scalable 3D 360° tours. Generate individual listing landing pages from your listing feed and create Floor Plans without measuring using the fastest & most cost effective real estate 3D 360° tour software available!
I notice in the new layout for listings that are presented on RMLSweb that the field “Ttl SQFT” is no longer present. This field gives you at a glance the total sqft in the house including the Lower Level. Currently this field is not there and no where is SQFT shown that includes the lower level, even if it has useable rooms, i.e, bedrooms and family rooms, etc.
Is this a short sight? It is especially annoying with a Day Ranch or a Tri-level.