The Rules Roundup provides a monthly accounting of RMLS rules violations and courtesy notifications. Our Data Accuracy team manages all reports of property listing errors, tracking 27 specific issues outlined in the RMLS Rules and Regulations, and is responsible for addressing subscriber questions and concerns regarding listing accuracy.
Coming Soon-No Showing (CSN) listings and Marketing of a Listing Prior to RMLS Publication requirements have some commonalities but are not the same.
Rule 3.29 of the RMLS Rules and Regulations outlines what advertising is permitted for Coming Soon listings. Here’s a summary:
- Coming Soon-No Showing status listings are displayed only in the MLS system and are not included in the MLS advertising data feeds.
- The Listing Broker may place a “Coming Soon” sign and flyer at the property and it must include the words “Coming Soon.”
- A property in Coming Soon-No Showing status shall not be advertised in any other manner or medium (no print ads, display on the internet, or on syndication websites, mobile apps, or social media).
- A broker may share Coming Soon-No Showing listings with the broker’s clients, current customers, and active RMLS subscribers only.
It’s important to note that the rules governing advertising CSN listings are distinct from those governing advertising prior to RMLS publication of a regular Active listing, a violation known as Marketing of a Listing prior to RMLS Publication. Basically, don’t market a listing that isn’t entered into the MLS. Violation of this rule can result in a fine of up to $1,500, to be determined by the RMLS Rules and Regulations Committee.
An important aspect of both requirements is that social media advertising of listings that are not yet available to the public is not allowable. To do so is viewed as discriminatory advertising and undermines the inclusive and transparent nature of the market.
The RMLS Rules and Regulations Committee reviews all formal complaints which allege a violation of the RMLS Rules and Regulations. The committee has the power to impose sanctions.
The committee did not review any casees in February 2024.
The chart below shows violations that generated at least 15 instances in the past month. This month we saw some significant changes for certain categories.
- Duplicate Listings dropped from 63 to 13
- Personal Promotion dropped from 166 to 128
- People in Photo rose from 15 to 31

Data Accuracy Department Statistics
The gain or loss comparison displayed in the parenthesis is versus the previous month.
- Listings Reviewed: 19,437 (+4,310)
- Notices Sent: 2,163 (-260)
- Violation Notices Received: 339 (+69)
- Courtesy Notices Sent: 1,691 (-39)
- Phone Calls Received: 579 (+59)
How to Report Violations
Subscribers have multiple options to report violations, including a Report Issue button on every RMLSweb listing. Subscribers can email our Data Accuracy team at dataaccuracy@rmls.com or call them at 503.395.1916. When there are increases in specific violation types, we sometimes place notifications on RMLSweb.
I’m looking for how many days a property can be in Coming Soon. I didn’t spot it in this write up.
Hi Penny, Coming Soon (CSN) listings can be up to a maximum of 21 days. If more time is needed, the listing can be withdrawn temporarily. We hope that answers your question!