RMLS Joins NAR Legal Settlement

RMLS Joins NAR Legal Settlement

The RMLS Board of Directors has officially decided to opt in to the terms of the legal settlement brokered by the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) in response to litigation concerning broker commissions. The agreement releases REALTOR® MLSs who have opted in to the settlement from liability for these types of claims going forward. A statement about the settlement is available here. After thorough consideration of the matter, the RMLS Board determined that joining the settlement was in the best interest of the MLS and the REALTOR® professionals that conduct their business in the Oregon and SW Washington region. The terms of the settlement require that RMLS put in place rules prohibiting offers of compensation anywhere on our MLS system. Offers of compensation can still be made off-MLS but will not involve RMLS in any way. Additionally, there will be a requirement for written agreements to be in place for MLS Participants working with buyers before any home touring is conducted. The NAR deadline for compliance for these changes is August 17, 2024. RMLS is actively working on the necessary updates, which will include significant alterations to documents (including our Rules and Regulations, Listing Contracts, and Internet Policy) and system (including Input Sheets, Reports, Fields, Forms, and API Data Feeds). We will provide detailed descriptions of the changes as well as redlined documentation as we get closer to the deadline. Additionally, we are in the process of setting up a dedicated web page for all settlement-related updates and information. We encourage you to review the NAR Settlement FAQs in the meantime. If you have specific questions about the settlement-related changes we’ll be making, please direct them to communications@rmls.com.
Rules Roundup for April 2022

Rules Roundup for April 2022

The Rules Roundup provides a monthly accounting of RMLS rules violations and courtesy notifications. Our Data Accuracy team manages all reports of property listing errors, tracking 34 specific issues outlined in the RMLS Rules and Regulations, and is responsible for addressing subscriber questions and concerns regarding listing accuracy whether those are submitted via the “Report Issue” button on a listing, through email, or by phone. When there are increases in specific violation types, we often place notifications on RMLSweb in order to alert subscribers so that they can avoid violations.


Let’s talk Coming Soon-No Showing (CSN) basics:

    • The CSN status is for short-term use for no longer than 21 days and must have a valid listing agreement as well as seller approval.
    • CSN allows time for an agent to work with the seller to prepare property.
    • CSN is considered an off-market status as the listing is not actively being marketed and cannot be shown.
    • Affiliate subscribers will not be able to view listings that are in CSN status.
    • CSN listings will be excluded in statistical searches and reports.

Important dates to keep in mind when entering a CSN listing:

Date Published: This is the date you enter and publish your listing into RMLSweb as a CSN listing. This can be done up to 21 days before the listing becomes active.

Date Marketing to Begin: This is the date you use in the listing to note when the listing will change from CSN to Active status. This will happen automatically at 12:01 AM on the date entered in this field. Once the listing becomes active it cannot be changed back to CSN status.

What you can and cannot do with CSN status listing:

    • You can have a sign on the property providing it has a Coming Soon rider.
    • You can also have flyers on the property that also clearly show the property is Coming Soon.
    • You cannot do any marketing on the property.
    • You cannot allow the property to be shown.
    • You cannot list the same property using CSN status for 90 days after it goes off market.

The RMLS Rules and Regulations Committee reviews all formal complaints which allege a violation of the RMLS Rules and Regulations. The committee has the power to impose sanctions.

The committee did not review any cases in April 2022.

In April 2022, the RMLS Data Accuracy staff reviewed 19,643 listings in addition to the 498 notices sent through the “Report Issue” button on RMLSweb. Of the items reviewed, 1,140 violation notices and 1,666 courtesy notices were sent out. In addition, our team handled 505 phone calls.

Category April
Missing Tax ID 404
Incorrect or Missing Information 146
Missing School 108
Personal Promotion 205
Missing Owner Name 64
Duplicate Listing 59
No Showings 70
Incorrect Status 37
Property Condition 26
Incorrect First Photo 18
Incorrect Property Type 22
Conditions to Compensation 20
Is Property a Condo 30
Listing Input in Incorrect MLS area 8
Missing Condo Unit Number 4
Duplicate Listing Sold in Different Categories 2
Partial Bathrooms 5+ 7
Address Issues 6
Inaccurate Lot Size 13
City Unknown 3

The following are the courtesy notifications sent to RMLS subscribers in April 2022.

Category April
Listing is Set to Expire 443
Listing Still Pending 216
Multiple Owner Names in First Field 179
New Listing Input Over 24 Hours 62

Questions about RMLS Rules and Regulations or the accuracy of specific listings can be directed to the RMLS Data Accuracy department at dataaccuracy@rmls.com or 503.395.1916.