by Grant | Jan 8, 2021
Here we go again! RMLS celebrates another year working hard for thousands of subscribers across Oregon and Southwest Washington by presenting an annual collection of numbers. These numbers show just how much RMLS has supported real estate activity over the course of 2020. We hope you enjoyed journeying along with us.
Compare the numbers below with the same from prior years and see how we’ve grown!
Number of times subscribers logged in to RMLSweb: 1,920,055
Photos uploaded to listings: 1,939,599
Number of new prospect profiles created: 75,157
All residential properties listed for sale: 71,940
All residential properties sold: 61,350
Median sold price of homes listed: $397,000
Total dollar volume of homes sold: $27,089,173,000
Reports viewed: 11,929,621
RMLS Subscribers
RMLS subscribers as of December 2020: 14,894
New RMLS subscribers (compared to December 2019): +370
Increase in subscribers, above: +2.5%
Subscribers who attended training: 9,326 via 892 individual classes
Number of calls to the RMLS Help Desk: 19,846 calls
Number of Bug Reports: 8,821
Number of Help Desk chats: 5642
Number of incidents reported using the “Report Issue” button: 5387
CE hours distributed by RMLS™ at no cost to subscribers: 664
Social Media
RMLS followers on Facebook (as of December 31): 5,832
RMLS followers on Twitter (as of December 31): 2,826
RMLS regularly compiles plenty of other numbers as well! In addition to publishing Market Action each month, we have statistical summaries available on RMLSweb with information dating back several years.
We love numbers here at RMLS, and hope you find this data as fun and interesting as we do.
by Christina Smestad | Jan 9, 2020
Here we go again! RMLS™ celebrates another year working hard for thousands of subscribers across Oregon and Southwest Washington by presenting an annual collection of numbers. These numbers show just how much RMLS™ has supported real estate activity over the course of 2019. We hope you enjoyed journeying along with us.
Compare the numbers below with the same from prior years and see how we’ve grown!
Number of times subscribers logged in to RMLSweb: 1,723,212
Photos uploaded to listings: 2,033,235
Number of new prospect profiles created: 66,667
All residential properties listed for sale: 77,296
All residential properties sold: 57,475
Median sold price of homes listed: $365,000
Total dollar volume of homes sold: $23,224,875,000
Reports viewed: 8,148,542
RMLS™ Subscribers
RMLS™ subscribers as of December 2019: 14,524
New RMLS™ subscribers (compared to December 2018): 35
Increase in subscribers, above: +0.24
Subscribers who attended training: 3,331
Number of calls to the RMLS™ Help Desk: 24,382
Number of Help Desk chats: 5,595
Number of incidents reported using the “Report Issue” button: 5,715
CE hours distributed by RMLS™ at no cost to subscribers: 1,742
Total attendance at RMLS™ training events: 3,652
Social Media
RMLS™ followers on Facebook (December 31st): 4,361
RMLS™ followers on Twitter (December 31st): 2,940
RMLS™ regularly compiles plenty of other numbers as well! In addition to publishing Market Action each month, we have statistical summaries available on RMLSweb with information dating back several years.
We love numbers here at RMLS™, and hope you find this data as fun and interesting as we do.
by Christina Smestad | Jan 11, 2019
Here we go again! RMLS™ celebrates another year working hard for thousands of subscribers across Oregon and Southwest Washington by presenting an annual collection of numbers. These numbers show just how much RMLS™ has supported real estate activity over the course of 2018. We hope you enjoyed journeying along with us.
Compare the numbers below with the same from prior years and see how we’ve grown!
Number of times subscribers logged in to RMLSweb: 1,662,042
Photos uploaded to listings: 1,981,602
Number of new prospect profiles created: 71,914
All residential properties listed for sale: 78,378
All residential properties sold: 57,902
Median sold price of homes listed: $350,000
Total dollar volume of homes sold: $22,455,096,000
Reports viewed: 8,286,339
RMLS™ Subscribers
RMLS™ subscribers as of December 2018: 14,489
New RMLS™ subscribers (compared to December 2017): 516
Increase in subscribers, above: +3.69
Subscribers who attended training: 5,406
Number of calls to the RMLS™ Help Desk: 27,794
Number of Help Desk chats: 5,215
Number of incidents reported using the “Report Issue” button: 7,027
CE hours distributed by RMLS™ at no cost to subscribers: 1,565
Total attendance at RMLS™ training events: 5,747
Total customer visits to 2,120,150
Unique visits: 791,455
Total listing views: 1,145,379
Social Media
RMLS™ followers on Facebook (December 31st): 4,289
RMLS™ followers on Twitter (December 31st): 2,937
RMLS™ regularly compiles plenty of other numbers as well! In addition to publishing Market Action each month, we have statistical summaries available on RMLSweb with information dating back several years.
We love numbers here at RMLS™, and hope you find this data as fun and interesting as we do.
by RMLS Communication Department | Jan 5, 2018
Here we go again! RMLS™ celebrates another year working hard for thousands of subscribers across Oregon and Southwest Washington by presenting an annual collection of numbers. These numbers show just how much RMLS™ has supported real estate activity over the course of 2017. We hope you enjoyed journeying along with us.
Compare the numbers below with the same from prior years and see how we’ve grown!
Number of times subscribers logged in to RMLSweb: 1,761,465
Photos uploaded to listings: 1,838,307
Number of new prospect profiles created: 75,970
All residential properties listed for sale: 75,657
All residential properties sold: 58,691
Median sold price of homes listed: $330,000
Total dollar volume of homes sold: $21,693,925,000
Reports viewed: 9,414,184
RMLS™ Subscribers
RMLS™ subscribers as of December 2017: 13,973
New RMLS™ subscribers (compared to December 2016): 620
Increase in subscribers, above: +4.65
Subscribers who attended training: 4,489
Number of calls to the RMLS™ Help Desk: 21,105
Number of Help Desk chats: 4,417
Number of incidents reported using the “Report Issue” button: 7,669
CE hours distributed by RMLS™ at no cost to subscribers: 3,114
Total attendance at RMLS™ training events: 4,489
Total customer visits to 2,556,344
Unique visits: 961,958
Total listing views: 1,498,074
Social Media
RMLS™ followers on Facebook (December 31st): 3,809
RMLS™ followers on Twitter (December 31st): 2,946
RMLS™ regularly compiles plenty of other numbers as well! In addition to publishing Market Action each month, we have statistical summaries available on RMLSweb with information dating back several years.
We love numbers here at RMLS™, and hope you find this data as fun and interesting as we do.
by RMLS Communication Department | Mar 10, 2017
It’s not that important to be absolutely certain about listing details before publishing a listing on RMLSweb, is it?
As a matter of fact it’s very important, both to RMLS™ and your fellow REALTORS®.
Accurate listing information is vital to the smooth operation of the real estate market. Correct listing data also facilitates cooperation between REALTORS® engaged in a transaction. This is why RMLS™ puts staff time and resources into reviewing listings. Our staff also relies upon help from subscribers—REALTORS® like you—to help us quickly identify inaccuracies and get them cleaned up for the benefit of all.
In 2016 the RMLS™ Data Accuracy team addressed 6,355 listing inaccuracies that were reported to RMLS™ on RMLSweb. That’s nearly 25 issues addressed each business day! Our Data Accuracy also conducts daily audits which identify additional inaccuracies that get corrected (but that’s another blog post for another time).
What are the top 10 most common listing inaccuracies on RMLSweb? We compiled a list to help RMLS™ subscribers focus their efforts as they’re entering listings using Listing Load. We encourage REALTORS® to get familiar with the details of each of these issues in order to help RMLSweb the most accurate it can be.

1. Year Built and Year Built Description
Resolved: 1,296 (20.4%)
These can include the Year Built Description not being changed from Under Construction or Proposed to the correct state of construction on the property. If the property is completed at time of closing the Year Built Description value should be changed to New before being marked as Sold. Another common error can occur by accidentally setting the Year Built Description to New when it should have been Resale, because the property was previously occupied.
2. Incorrect/Missing Information
Resolved: 1,153 (18.1%)
This can include many different issues within a variety of fields. Examples are listing the incorrect number of bedrooms, incorrect number of bathrooms, or having the incorrect number of levels listed. This also includes listings with inaccurate square footage and/or not dividing the square footage between levels.
3. Personal Promotion
Resolved: 1,094 (17.2%) [See RMLS™ Rules, Section 3.24]
The rules don’t permit information in the public fields of a listing that identifies the listing agent or their brokerage. This includes names or contact information (or links to such) in the public remarks, photos, or virtual/video tours containing yard signs or other types of branding. Promotion is only allowed in Private Remarks.
4. Address
Resolved: 847 (13.3%)
Adding extra words to a street name, not using the selection boxes for street direction/street suffix, or failing to submit the unit number can cause problems with mapping and/or searching for a property. When these items are found the Data Accuracy team will work to correct the address fields as appropriate. If you know of an issue with the published address, let Data Accuracy know.
5. Owner Name
Resolved: 589 (9.3%)
There are reasons why a seller may wish to have their name withheld from a listing. If this is the case, use Document 1261 (Owner Name Omission Form) and submit the form to RMLS™. After this form has been submitted, enter “Form 1261 on file” into the Owner Name field on the listing.
6. No Showings
Resolved: 380 (6.0%) [See RMLS™ Rules, Section 3.26]
Any active status listing that is published on RMLSweb must be made available to be shown to prospective clients.
7. Residential Property Type
Resolved: 310 (4.9%)
Is the property attached? Detached? A condo? In a park? Proper property type is essential to ensure that the listing shows up in the right search results and gets seen by the people who would be the most interested in your listing. Document 1270 (Residential Property Types), found on RMLSweb, can be helpful in determining what property type should be noted.
8. Photo(s)
Resolved: 293 (4.6%) [See RMLS™ Rules, Section 3.7]
Common issues found with photos include:
• First listing photo is not of the exterior of building
• Text or graphics appear in photos
• Missing watermarks for “Sample Image” or “Virtual Staging”
• Photo contains children or other inappropriate content.
If the seller wishes to omit listing photos, please submit Document 1263 (Photograph Omission Form).
9. MLS Area
Resolved: 172 (2.7%)
A listing is sometimes entered with the wrong MLS area or has been listed in two different MLS areas. This can have an impact on details like making the proper school choices available or allowing the correct county to be selected.
10. Duplicate Listings
Resolved: 131 (2.1%)
Sometimes properties are listed more than once by mistake. This typically happens if two different people in an office input the same listing. It could also happen if a property is being relisted and the old listing does not get canceled prior to the new listing being published.
Have you noticed any of the above issues as you’ve perused listings on RMLSweb? Data accuracy on RMLSweb starts with you, the subscriber. Be sure information in your own listings is correct, and contact RMLS™ Data Accuracy staff if you see issues in other listings—just click the Report Issue button at the bottom of the listing. We appreciate your hard work and enjoy working with you to ensure that RMLSweb listing data is as accurate as possible.
by Christina Smestad | Jan 12, 2017
It’s that time again! RMLS™ has made it through another year working hard for thousands of subscribers across Oregon and Southwest Washington and we’d like to show just how much RMLS™ has supported real estate activity over the course of a single year. How do we do it? We compile a suite of numbers to quantify the work we do for our REALTOR® members.
Compare the numbers below with the same from the prior three years and see how we’ve grown!
Number of times subscribers logged in to RMLSweb: 1,785,754
Photos uploaded to listings: 1,688,226
Property searches run: 572,205
Number of new prospect profiles created: 78,319
All residential properties listed for sale: 75,331
All residential properties sold: 59,203
Median sold price of homes listed: $300,000
Total dollar volume of homes sold: $20,243,723,000
Unique tax searches: 111,094
Reports viewed: 9,856,816
Broker tour searches run: 11,744
Open house searches run: 10,534
Statistical searches run: 24,247
RMLS™ Subscribers
RMLS™ subscribers as of December 2016: 13,345
New RMLS™ subscribers (compared to December 2015): 1,132
Increase in subscribers, above: +9.3
Subscribers who attended training: 3,538
Number of calls to the RMLS™ Help Desk: 25,850
Number of Help Desk chats: 4,508
Number of incidents reported using the “Report Issue” button: 6,668
CE hours distributed by RMLS™ at no cost to subscribers: 2,514
Total attendance at RMLS™ training events: 3,538
Total customer visits to 3,145,131
Unique visits: 1,141,705
Total listing views: 1,790,588
Social Media
RMLS™ followers on Facebook (December 31st): 3,715
RMLS™ followers on Twitter (December 31st): 2,837
RMLS™ regularly compiles plenty of other numbers as well! In addition to publishing Market Action each month, we have statistical summaries available on RMLSweb with information dating back several years. Since 2012 we’ve also been compiling statistics about residential distressed properties in RMLSweb.
We love numbers here at RMLS™, and hope you find this data as fun and interesting as we do.