SEEC LLC Partners with RMLS™ to Produce Green Features Guide

SEEC LLC Partners with RMLS™ to Produce Green Features Guide

RMLSGreenFeaturesGuideSampleRMLS™ recently produced the Green Features Guide, a collaboration with Social, Environmental, and Economic Consulting LLC (SEEC) of Rainier, Washington. The 40 page document is intended to educate brokers about green and/or energy-efficient features found in homes, where those features can be found on RMLS™ listing forms, tips, information resources, and more.

“The guide looks great, and I think it will be a helpful tool!”
– Teresa St. Martin, Certified EcoBroker

RMLS™ was one of the first multiple listing services to include listing fields for energy efficient homes, including energy certifications and other features. Each year the listing forms committee decides what new features to incorporate on RMLSweb, and green fields increase in number each year.

Interest in green building continues to rise, and brokers should find the guide helpful for quickly finding information to add depth to their listings.  The Green Features Field Guide was adapted to the RMLS™ Residential Data Input Form by SEEC and is now available for brokers to use as a tool in assisting clients listing their homes, or searching for homes with green features.

Download the RMLS™ Green Features Guide today!

Press Release: “Largest REALTOR® MLS in the Pacific Northwest Deepens Its Commitment to Green Fields”

“RMLS™ has been looking for ways to clearly communicate to our subscribers all the ways available in RMLSweb to describe sustainability features, so this cooperation with SEEC was timely and much appreciated!”
– Gail Hare, Executive Vice President of RMLS™


SEEC LLC Partners with RMLS™ to Produce Green Features Guide

Menu Bar Improvements to RMLSweb Coming October 31st

RMLSwebFullMenuBarImprovements to the RMLSweb menu bar are set to go live the morning of Thursday, October 31st, as part of this year’s browser compatibility project.  These improvements are specifically targeted to improve usability for more web browsers, tablet computers, smartphones, and other mobile devices, but other users may be delighted at the changes as well…

RMLSMenuBarDropdownWhat’s Rolling Out?

We’ll be making design changes to the menu bar (above)—it will be larger, sport a lighter color, and be responsive to the user’s screen size.

Drop-down menus will be easier to navigate, graying out menu bar headers with no link (left) and clearly nesting sub-menus.

Clicking the RMLS™ logo on the left corner above the menu bar will return the user to the desktop page.

Users needing to change their RMLSweb user preferences will be pleased by a new shortcut. Simply click on the user’s name in the upper right corner, and a shortcut will drop down below. (User preferences are currently accessed under the Toolkit option in the menu bar.)

Finally, chatting with RMLS™ will be easier than ever! The chat button will be moved out of the right sidebar (which many RMLSweb users keep minimized) and placed at the top of the page for easier access. Chat was rolled out in February and has been immensely popular.

These improvements will be rolled out during the monthly maintenance outage, scheduled this month for October 30th from 10pm until October 31st at 2am. RMLS™ will continue rolling out browser compatibility improvements through this year, so watch the blog for more in the coming months!

SEEC LLC Partners with RMLS™ to Produce Green Features Guide

What Will the SentriLock Conversion Event Be Like? A Walkthrough

The RMLS™ conversion to SentriLock is just weeks away!

We’re proud to say that as of September 25, we’ve had 6,207 subscribers register for one of our many conversion events—that’s nearly 60% of RMLS™ subscribers! All subscribers should have received at least one email from SentriLock by now, inviting them to register for an event. If you haven’t received yours, call SentriLock directly at (877) 433-6998 for assistance.

Wondering what to expect when you arrive at your selected conversion event? Here’s a walkthrough of how SentriLock and RMLS™ will be running each conversion event.

CHECK IN (10-15 minutes)

SentriLockCheckInSentriLock recommends arriving 15-20 minutes before your appointment.

When you arrive at the conversion event, head to the check in area. This is where you will drop off your existing Supra iBoxes and key. SentriLock staff will scan them in to verify ownership, so make sure before arrival that all your lockboxes are registered to you! If your dues haven’t been paid, you will be directed toward another table to take care of that before your training session begins.

If you have many boxes in your car and would like help bringing them in, SentriLock and RMLS™ staff will be available with hand trucks to assist—just come inside and ask a staff member about help with unloading.

If you are registered to attend the Oregon Convention Center conversion event, you can pull off the road on Holladay Street (the side of the building with MAX tracks)—SentriLock and RMLS™ will have staff stationed outside for bulk loading assistance.

TRAINING (45-60 minutes)

SentriLockTrainingAfter you have given your Supra iBoxes and key to the staff at check in, your training session will begin. Attendees will use the SentriLock equipment during the training, be guided through the SentriLock website, and be given the opportunity to ask questions about the new system. At the end of the class you will know how to open boxes, open shackles, assign boxes to listings, use your smartphone to open a key compartment, and other integral aspects of the SentriLock system.

While you’re being trained by the experts, SentriLock staff will be preparing your new lockboxes for you.

CHECK OUT (10 minutes)

SentriLockCheckOutOnce training is over, you will go to the new SentriLock box pickup area where your new equipment will be waiting for you. This will include a SentriCard®, SentriLock lockbox(es), RAD, and SentriCard® reader.

If you need help carrying boxes to your car, staff will again be available to help.


A standard conversion appointment should take no longer than 90 minutes from start to finish. SentriLock and RMLS™ both want subscribers to have a good experience, and we’ve streamlined the process as much as possible for efficiency.

A major issue that can delay you during the conversion appointment is if you arrive with Supra iBoxes registered in someone else’s name. If you bring in Supra iBoxes that are registered to another active RMLS™ subscriber, they will be set aside and once proper ownership is verified, we will get the proper owner a replacement SentriLock lockbox. This may not happen until well after the conversion, so it is critical to make sure all the boxes you bring are registered to you.

It is possible to keep your Supra key after your conversion appointment in order to ease the placement and removal of any additional Supra iBoxes you may have. You will need to come to a later conversion event and turn in your Supra key once you exchange the last of your Supra iBoxes.

SEEC LLC Partners with RMLS™ to Produce Green Features Guide

2.3 Million Public Records and Counting: Tax Information on RMLSweb

Oregon Washington 1-31-13RMLS™ strives to provide property and tax data in one location for all counties where our subscribers do business. Currently RMLS™ maintains over 2.3 million property records encompassing 43 counties in Oregon and Washington.

Each county has its own assessor and its own system for maintaining property and tax records. Many systems are one of a kind—one county system still uses 3×5 cards! Although some counties provide a website where individual tax properties can be researched, many counties do not provide such convenient access.

RMLS™ obtains data from the county itself or from another tax provider and then processes it into a standard RMLS™ format. The data is quality checked to the best extent possible. Updated property and tax data is then deployed to RMLSweb each week on Tuesday evening.

Depending on availability and other factors, sales are updated either weekly, quarterly, or biannually. Some counties do not provide sale data at all. It is important to remember that regardless of the update schedule, RMLS™ data will always lag a little compared to data from the county itself. This is especially true of tax amounts due to the volume of processing required.

Along with a defined primary set of property data (tax ID, acres, site address, market values, sales data, etc.) each county also has a unique set of ancillary data (heating, foundation, parking, etc.). Each data item also has a “fill factor” unique to each county. For example, in Baker County 98% of properties have a zoning value, in Jackson it is 83%, in Tillamook it is 72%, and in Benton it is 0%. RMLS™ analyzes these data items and factors and then displays the most relevant data on the tax report. Every county’s tax report is therefore slightly different.

The property and tax data also contains errors and omissions. Humans, computers, and governments are involved in the process and mistakes do occur. Whenever a subscriber encounters such a situation, they should contact us (you can reach me at and provide sufficient details (county, tax ID, description of error) so that research can be done and the proper correction made. Most cases are resolved with the next update from the county. In the meantime, subscribers are advised to put a comment about any tax issues into the listing’s private remarks field.

SentriLock Conversion: Subscriber Questions and Answers

RMLS™ will be converting to the SentriLock lockbox system this fall, and naturally our subscribers have had many questions about different aspects of the process. We’ve done our best to provide equipment demonstrations (both in person and online), answer questions about system capabilities, and more.

The coming of fall means SentriLock conversion events will soon be happening around the region. RMLS™ subscribers will receive an important email about these conversion events in September. (Add to your email address book to ensure the email isn’t sent to a spam folder!)

Following is a list of questions and answers that should address the concerns of most subscribers as we move into the conversion process. If you have a question not addressed here, leave a comment or contact us directly. RMLS™ wants to make the conversion as smooth as possible for our subscribers.


Q: When are the conversion events happening? How will I know what to do?

A: SentriLock will be sending out emails to all RMLS subscribers in September. This email will provide you with a personal link to go to a registration page and make your conversion appointment. You will be able to make multiple visits to the conversion events and keep your Supra key until your last visit.

Conversion events for the Portland metro area will take place in late October, while the rest of our service areas will convert in early November.

Q: Why can’t I just come down to my local RMLS office and exchange lockboxes rather than going to a conversion event?

A: We are unable to accommodate the volume of subscribers and lockboxes necessary to convert everyone’s equipment at the RMLS offices. The conversion events have been designed to handle a large volume of agents and lockboxes and to get you through as quickly as possible. Conversion events will also provide you with system training directly from SentriLock’s training team. Please be aware that we will not be exchanging equipment at any RMLS office until after the local conversion event, and if you exchange your equipment at an office the wait may be substantially longer than what you would experience at the conversion events.


Q: I looked up my list of Supra iBoxes on Supra’s website—can I trust this list? It shows that I have boxes that are not on the list I received from you by email or that RMLS staff says don’t belong to me. Why is this?

A: Unfortunately, Supra’s website will show boxes in your inventory that aren’t registered to you. It will show any boxes that you have ever opened the shackle on, so this cannot be trusted as a list of boxes you own. You should have received an email from RMLS showing all the boxes that are currently registered in your name. If not, please contact your local RMLS office for assistance.

Q: What if someone else brings a box registered to me to the conversion?

A: We will hold the Supra iBox at the conversion. As soon as possible after the conversion event, we will verify ownership and provide a replacement SentriLock lockbox to the registered owner.

Q: I have Supra iBoxes that I purchased from another ACTIVE agent, but I don’t have a receipt or any record of this. What do I do?

A: You should try to get the signature of the registered owner to transfer the Supra iBoxes to your name prior to the conversion. If you arrive at the conversion event with iBoxes registered to another agent, RMLS staff will hold the iBoxes. As soon as possible following the conversion event, we will contact the registered owner for clarification of ownership. If we receive confirmation of the sale or transfer of ownership, we will provide a replacement SentriLock lockbox as soon as possible.

Q: I have Supra iBoxes that are registered to a subscriber who has moved or left the business. Can they be transferred to me?

A: If the former subscriber has been inactive for longer than 18 months we can transfer the iBox registration to your name. If it has been less than 18 months, we will attempt to contact the registered owner and obtain a written receipt or lockbox transfer form. If we are unable to reach the registered owner, we will provide you a replacement SentriLock box after the conversion events are complete.

We recommend contacting RMLS prior to the conversion to resolve questions about box ownership. If you bring boxes that are not registered to you to the conversion, we may hold them for later research and provide replacement boxes after the conversion event.

Q: If I bring in a Supra iBox and the registered owner is deceased, what happens?

A: If the lockbox owner has been inactive with RMLS for more than 18 months or if their passing has been noted on their subscriber account, we can give you a SentriLock lockbox at the conversion. If not, we will hold the lockbox until we can get clarification, and we will get a SentriLock lockbox to you as soon as possible after the conversion. We urge you to contact us prior to the conversion instead of coming to the conversion with boxes that aren’t registered to you, as this will delay your ability to get a SentriLock lockbox.

Q. I have Supra iBoxes that I have lent out, and I don’t remember who I gave them to. What should I do?

A: RMLS staff can check to see if the Supra iBox has been accessed in the last six months, or if it has a listing ID associated with it. We can then give you the name of the agent that either opened the shackle, or was the broker for the listing. If we can’t determine who has the box in this way and the loaned box shows up at the conversion, we will hold the Supra iBox and work out ownership as soon as possible following the conversion event in order to provide a replacement box.


Q: I am going to be out of town during the conversion event, what should I do? 

A: If possible, bring in your Supra equipment into your local RMLS office prior to the conversion, and we will hold your SentriLock equipment for you until your return. You will then need to come into that RMLS office and sign the new paperwork for your SentriCard®, and pick up your new SentriLock equipment.

If you have boxes hanging on listings that are being taken care of by a team member, you can provide a written and signed letter of authorization for us to allow that person to exchange your boxes. If your team member is exchanging your lockboxes for you and will need to place the boxes on your listings they should speak to an RMLS representative while at the conversion event to ensure that your accounts are linked as a team before they leave.

Even if an authorized representative attends the conversion to exchange your lockboxes, they will not be allowed to exchange your key. You will need to do that at an RMLS office when you return. If at all possible, please return your Supra key to us prior to your trip.

Q: I live outside of the RMLS™ primary service area, do I have to drive to one of these conversion events? 

A: If you are outside of our primary service areas we will allow you to convert via mail, but we will need a new signed authorized user agreement and you will be responsible for shipping costs. We will need to receive your old Supra equipment before we can ship out your SentriLock equipment. We will ship equipment as soon as possible following the conversion event.

Q: I work in multiple regions, so my lockboxes are scattered around the state. Do I need to go get them all and bring them to my conversion appointment?

A: You may make multiple visits to the conversion events and keep your Supra key until your final visit. This allows you the opportunity to make a conversion appointment at one location and exchange the lockboxes you are using in that region, then follow up with a visit to a different location to exchange the boxes in that region, as many times as necessary.

If you are planning to make multiple conversion visits, you will need to make an appointment for your first visit only, and attend the training session during that appointment. Appointments are not needed for subsequent exchanges, just bring in your SentriCard® and Supra key as well as the iBoxes you are exchanging. If you use a Supra ActiveKey you will turn it in at your last conversion visit.


Q: What exactly will I need to bring to my conversion appointment?

A: You will want to bring your ActiveKey, if you have one, as well as the Supra iBoxes registered in your name. We do not need your key charger or pouch, user guides, or other accessory materials.

If you are an eKey user, the Bluetooth adapter you currently use is yours to keep, and may be given or sold to another agent in an MLS still using the Supra system with no deprogramming necessary.

Q: I own lockboxes, but don’t have a key assigned to me.  What do I do?

A: We will give you replacement SentriLock boxes for your Supra iBoxes at the conversion event, but the boxes cannot be registered to you and you will have no way of opening the shackle if you don’t get a SentriCard®. If you are eligible for an MLS key and want to get a SentriCard®, we will be happy to accommodate you at the conversion. If not, you may want to sell your Supra boxes to another agent prior to the conversion. You could also sell the SentriLock boxes to another agent after the conversion if you wish, or to RMLS after January 1, 2014.

Q: I have some Supra iBoxes on houses and some in my trunk. I want to bring the boxes in my trunk in to convert them to SentriLock, but keep my Supra key to remove the boxes currently hanging on houses, and then bring in my Supra key along with the remaining boxes to complete the exchange. Is this possible?

A: Yes, this is possible. You can make multiple visits to the conversion events and keep your Supra key until your last visit, so you have it with you in order to release the shackles on the boxes you still have on listings.

If you are planning to make multiple conversion visits, you will need to make an appointment for your first visit only, and attend the training session during that appointment. Appointments are not needed for subsequent exchanges—just bring in your SentriCard® and Supra key as well as the iBoxes you are exchanging. If you use a Supra ActiveKey you will turn it in at your last conversion visit.

Q: Can my spouse or my assistant do the conversion for me?

A: With a written and signed authorization letter, your spouse or assistant can attend the conversion event and convert your lockboxes, but they cannot exchange your key. If you cannot attend the conversion event, please try to bring in your Supra equipment into your local RMLS office prior to the conversion and we will hold your SentriLock equipment for you until you return. You will then need to come into that same RMLS office to sign the new paperwork for your SentriCard® and pick up your new SentriLock equipment.

Q: Our boxes are all registered to our office, who can do the conversion? 

A: The principal broker can exchange office-registered iBoxes. We will also allow an office agent or staff member with a signed letter of authorization from the principal broker to exchange lockboxes only, but not keys. Only the registered keyholder can convert their own key.

Q: I am in an office that keeps all the lockboxes in the principal broker’s name, our staff takes care of the inventory. Can the staff show up without the principal broker to exchange lockboxes at the conversion event?

A: If the principal broker provides a signed letter of authorization, then we will allow a subscriber or staff member from that office to exchange iBoxes registered to the office or principal broker. This applies solely to lockboxes, only the registered keyholder can convert their Supra key to a SentriCard®.

Q: How long after the conversion can I bring in a Supra iBox for a replacement SentriLock box?

A: If you cannot attend the conversion event, please contact your local RMLS office and work out a time to come in and convert your key and boxes after your local conversion event. Please try and make every effort to attend a conversion event, as it will hamper any showings of your listings if you still have Supra equipment when all other subscribers have SentriLock equipment. Any appointments made will happen after the local conversion event, and will delay your ability to show properties and have your properties shown. The last day to exchange lockboxes is January 10, 2014.

Q: What happens if once I convert and have a SentriCard® I realize I have another Supra iBox on a house somewhere? How do I go get that box off and get it converted to SentriLock box?

A: If your principal broker hasn’t yet converted their key, you can ask to borrow it. You could also ask another subscriber you know who hasn’t converted yet to go with you to remove the box. Please do not borrow or use another agent’s Supra key, as this is a major violation of the RMLS keyholder agreement. If neither of those options work, please call RMLS staff, and we can facilitate the removal of the lockbox, and get you the replacement SentriLock box. This may have to wait until after your local conversion event due to the limited availability of RMLS staff.

Q: What if I absolutely cannot make it to any of the conversion events?

If you cannot attend a conversion event, please contact your local RMLS office and arrange a time to come in and convert your key and boxes after your local conversion event. Please try and make every effort to attend a conversion event, as it will hamper any showings of your listings if you still have Supra equipment when all other Subscribers have SentriLock equipment. Any appointments made will happen after the local conversion event, and will delay your ability to show properties, and have your properties shown. The last day to exchange lockboxes is January 10, 2014.

Q: I don’t want to deal with the conversion in October. Can’t I just come to an office and do the exchange now?

A: No, we currently don’t have any SentriLock equipment in the RMLS offices, and will not until after the conversion events. You should make every effort possible to attend a conversion event. You will be able to set your own appointment at the time that works best for you.  You will also receive a full training on how the new system works at the event, in order to best support the needs of your clients. If you are absolutely unable to attend a conversion event, please contact your local RMLS office to work out another arrangement. Please note: you will have to wait until after the scheduled conversion events to exchange your equipment if you need to make special arrangements.

Q: I have a new listing and have never bought a lockbox before. Do I have to buy a Supra iBox? Why can’t I just come in and buy the new SentriLock box to use right now on my listing? 

A: Currently we do not have SentriLock equipment in the RMLS offices, and will not until after the conversion events. If you have a listing that needs a lockbox now, you could try to borrow a Supra box from another RMLS subscriber. If that is not an option you will need to come in and purchase a Supra iBox, and then attend the conversion to convert it to a SentriLock box. Starting September 1st, the Supra iBoxes we sell will cost $89 in advance of the SentriLock rollout.


Q: I have old lockboxes dating back to many years ago – three or four different versions of lockboxes. What can I do with these old boxes I acquired over the years I’ve been in real estate?

A: We will only be exchanging Supra iBoxes (blue boxes) at the conversion events. We cannot accept any of the older styles, and have not for seven years, since we have been using the Supra iBox system.

Q: I had to use bolt cutters to remove a dead lockbox from a listing. Can I turn in my broken Supra iBox for a SentriLock lockbox at the conversion?

A:  You should bring in the broken Supra iBox to your local RMLS office for warranty replacement prior to the conversion. Only working Supra iBoxes will be accepted at the conversion. Any broken Supra equipment is currently under warranty, and a free replacement will be provided to you.

Q: I have a Supra iBox I would like to exchange but it is missing the shackle or key drawer. Will you accept it at the conversion?

A: Only working Supra iBoxes with all of their parts intact will be accepted at the conversion. However, you can purchase a replacement shackle or key drawer from RMLS for $10 each. Please contact your local office if you need to purchase replacement parts prior to the conversion.

Q: I used to subscribe to RMLS but my account is no longer active. I have some iBoxes in the garage—can I bring them in to exchange for SentriLock boxes?

A: The one-for-one lockbox exchange is an RMLSsubscriber benefit and lockboxes will only be exchanged for subscribers who are active at the time of the conversion. We can deprogram Supra iBoxes at RMLS offices until December 10, 2013 if you wish to transfer your boxes into another MLS system or put them up for sale.


Q: I have my key issued by WVMLS/NWMLS/SOMLS/COMLS etc. and now I have to pay RMLS for key service. What are you going to do for me?

A: For subscribers who currently use a Supra key issued by another MLS to access RMLS lockboxes and may choose to use two key systems going forward, RMLS will give you a free trial period of November and December 2013 to try out the SentriLock system and see if you wish to use it going forward. If you do not cancel the service you will be billed $33 for SentriLock service on your first quarter 2014 RMLS bill.

Q: How soon after the exchange can I sell back a SentriLock lockbox and what will you pay?

A:  We will begin accepting buybacks of SentriLock lockboxes after January 1, 2014. RMLS pays $40/box.

Q: What about the refund for my Supra key deposit?

A: If you have a key deposit remaining on your account a credit in the amount of your deposit will be applied to your account. You will receive confirmation of this credit via email during the week of November 18th. Account credits will be applied to your December 1st subscriber dues invoice for the first quarter of 2014.

Q: What if I want a check for my deposit refund?

A: The email we send the week of November 18th will include information on how to request a check.

Last updated: August 30, 2013

John Ayers Shares More SentriLock Details in New Video

John Ayers, RMLS™ Vice President of Subscriber Services, provides subscribers additional details about the SentriLock lockbox system RMLS™ will be converting to this fall. Watch the video to learn about securing replacement batteries for your new lockbox, various ways to access the lockbox at a showing, and important conversion preparation information. (Note: no equipment is being exchanged at this time!)

A few highlights:

• Subscribers should have recently received an email containing a list of the Supra lockbox numbers registered in their name. Make sure this information is correct! At SentriLock events this fall, we will be unable to exchange lockboxes that are not registered to you. If you find you have some lockboxes that are not registered in your name, submit a Lockbox Transfer Form to RMLS™ in advance of your exchange event.
• SentriLock will provide replacement lockbox batteries to RMLS™ free of charge, and recommends that subscribers use these commercial-grade batteries rather than similar ones found in retail establishments. If you are unable to make it in to an RMLS™ office, we will be able to mail batteries to subscribers as well.
• Smartphone access will be available in time for our conversion. Details about this exciting development will be shared when they become available.

Need help determining which lockboxes are registered to you? Contact the RMLS™ Help Desk by phone at (503) 872-8002, (877) 256-2169, or by email at