We talk the early days of the post-compensation reality, parse the takeaways from the July market, and focus in on closed sales in our ‘Understanding Statistics’ segment.

Listen to the latest REAL TALK. Also available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and on YouTube.

Music: “Tropical Summer” by ArtIss (via MelodyLoops.com)


OREGON July 2024 vs June 2024

  • New Listings: 4,923 (-559)
  • Active Listings: 10,826 (+2,952)
  • Pending Sales: 3,670 (-98)
  • Closed Sales: 3,394 (-66)
  • Inventory: 3.2 (+0.9)
  • Total Market Time: 51 (+10)
  • Average Sale Price: $563,400 (+$3,200)
  • Median Sale Price: $503,500 (+$3,600)

OREGON July 2024 vs July 2023

  • New Listings: 4,923 (-179)
  • Active Listings: 10,826 (+710)
  • Pending Sales: 3,670 (+95)
  • Closed Sales: 3,394 (+64)
  • Inventory: 3.2 (+0.2)
  • Total Market Time: 51 (+2)
  • Average Sale Price: $563,400 (-$15,600)
  • Median Sale Price: $503,500 (-$8,500)

WASHINGTON July 2024 vs June 2024

  • New Listings: 1,018 (-69)
  • Active Listings: 2,185 (+136)
  • Pending Sales: 785 (-25)
  • Closed Sales: 773 (58)
  • Inventory 2.8 (-0.1)
  • Total Market Time: 45 (+9)
  • Average Sale Price: $622,500 (+$32,600)
  • Median Sale Price: $529,500 (+$19,500) 

WASHINGTON July 2024 vs July 2023

  • New Listings: 1,018 (-102)
  • Active Listings: 2,185 (+701)
  • Pending Sales: 785 (-16)
  • Closed Sales: 773 (+97)
  • Inventory 2.8 (+0.6)
  • Total Market Time: 45 (+9)
  • Average Sale Price: $622,500 (+$900)
  • Median Sale Price: $529,500 (-$20,000)


  • Grant
    • New Listings spiked upwards from 9 in June to 14 in July 2024
    • Total Market Time spiked upwards from 67 in June to 221 in July 2024
  • Josephine
    • Average Sale Price spiked upwards from $240,000 in June to $579,700 in July 2024
  • Wallowa
    • New Listings piked upwards from 11 in June to 18 to July 2024 


  • Lane
    • Active Listings are on a 5-month increase streak, up to 897 in July 2024
  • Mid-Columbia
    • Active Listings are on a 5-month increase streak, up to 390 in July 2024
  • Portland Metro
    • Total Market Time are on a 5-month decrease streak, down to 44 in July 2024.
  • SW Washington
    • Active Listings are on a 5-month increase streak, up to 1,614 in July 2024


  • Lane
    • Active Listings at its highest point (897) since September 2018
  • Mid-Columba
    • Active Listings at its highest point (390) since September 2019
  • North Coastal
    • Active Listings at highest point (749) since September 2019
  • Portland Metro
    • Active Listings at highest point (7,397) since September 2019
  • SW Washington
    • Active Listings at highest point (1,614) since October 2019


  • Portland Metro: 295 (-)
  • SW Washington: 134 (-28)
  • Lane County: 20 (+1)


  • Portland Metro: 86% (-2%)
  • SW Washington: 86% (-6%)
  • Lane County: 78% (-5%)