As the saying goes, a rising tide lifts all boats. In this case, we’re talking about the rising tide of April stats and how they’re lifting all categories towards those traditional summer highs.

We also discuss key scheduling dates for the NAR legal settlement, dive into the definition and value of rolling averages, and answer the age old question of what you call a pirate that designs houses. Don’t miss out!

Listen to the latest REAL TALK.

Music: “Tropical Summer” by ArtIss (via


OREGON April 2024 vs March 2024

  • New Listings: 5,134 (+1,027)
  • Active Listings: 8,441 (+1,480)
  • Pending Sales: 3,754 (+322)
  • Closed Sales: 2,983 (+386)
  • Inventory: 2.8 (+0.1)
  • Total Market Time: 81 (-8)
  • Average Sale Price: $556,900 (+$26,000)
  • Median Sale Price: $492,900 (+$16,500)

OREGON April 2024 vs April 2023

  • New Listings: 5,134 (+902)
  • Active Listings: 8,441 (+2,479)
  • Pending Sales: 3,754 (+231)
  • Closed Sales: 2,983 (+255)
  • Inventory: 2.8 (+0.6)
  • Total Market Time: 81 (+28)
  • Average Sale Price: $556,900 (+$13,000)
  • Median Sale Price: $492,900 (+$12,900)

WASHINGTON April 2024 vs March 2024

  • New Listings: 1,053 (+133)
  • Active Listings: 1,754 (+374)
  • Pending Sales: 785 (+10)
  • Closed Sales: 651 (+46)
  • Inventory 2.7 (+0.4)
  • Total Market Time: 102 (+3)
  • Average Sale Price: $577,300 (+$18,500)
  • Median Sale Price: $522,300 (+$19,905)

WASHINGTON April 2024 vs April 2023

  • New Listings: 1,053 (+272)
  • Active Listings: 1,754 (+759)
  • Pending Sales: 785 (+33)
  • Closed Sales: 651 (+72)
  • Inventory 2.7 (+1.0)
  • Total Market Time: 102 (+55)
  • Average Sale Price: $577,300 (+$22,500)
  • Median Sale Price: $522,300 (+$27,300)


  • Baker
    • Pending Sales spiked upwards from 14 in March to 27 in April 2024
    • Closed Sales spiked upwards from 10 in March to 18 in April 2024
  • Douglas
    • New Listings spiked upwards from 139 in March to 211 in April 2024
    • Pending Sales spiked upwards from 111 in March to 156 in April 2024
  • Grant
    • New Listings spiked upwards from 6 in March to 13 in April 2024
    • Total Market Time spiked upwards from 83 in March to 173 in April 2024
  • Josephine
    • New Listings spiked upwards from 7 in March to 19 in April 2024
    • Active Listings spiked upwards from 28 in March to 43 in April 2024
  • Mid-Columbia
    • Pending Sales spiked upwards from 62 in March to 89 in April 2024
  • Polk and Marion
    • Active Listings spiked upwards from 423 in March to 542 in April 2024
  • Portland Metro
    • Active Listings spiked upwards 3,629 in March to 4,559 in April 2024


  • Baker
    • Active Listings are on a 4-month increase streak, up to 88 in April 2024
  • Coos
    • Pending Sales are on a 4-month increase streak, up to 84 in April 2024
  • Lane
    • New Listings are on a 4-month increase streak, up to 457 in April 2024
    • Pending Sales are on a 4-month increase streak, up to 379 in April 2024
  • North Coastal
    • Pending Sales are on a 4-month increase streak, up to 142 in April 2024
    • New Listings are on a 4-month increase streak, up to 209 in April 2024
  • Polk and Marion
    • New Listings are on a 4-month increase streak, up to 364 in April 2024
  • SW Washington
    • New Listings are on a 4-month increase streak, up to 831 in April 2024


  • Curry
    • Active Listings at its highest point (222) since November 2019
  • SW Washington
    • Active Listings at its highest point (1,311) since April 2020
    • Total Market Time at its highest point (110) since January 2015


  • Portland Metro: 282 (+22)
  • SW Washington: 162 (-5)
  • Lane County: 13 (-3)


  • Portland Metro: 88%
  • SW Washington: 92%
  • Lane County: 83%