by Christina Smestad | Aug 8, 2013
This is a blog post by RMLS™ Data Accuracy Liaison Vallerie Bush (at left). Vallerie is a 15-year veteran of RMLS™, including over a decade working with RMLS™ Rules and Data Accuracy.
Do you know the difference between ER and EA?
There are a number of terms used in RMLSweb listings that are rather technical and may seem confusing. The following is a list of some commonly used terminology and their meanings which will help you when entering or viewing a listing:
Exclusive Right to Sell (ER): This is one of the options in the “List Type” field. The seller gives the Listing Broker the exclusive right to sell their property for a specified period of time and authorizes the Listing Broker to cooperate with and compensate other RMLS™ brokers, with no exceptions.
Exclusive Agency (EA): The exclusive agency listing also authorizes the Listing Broker, as exclusive agent, to offer cooperation and compensation on blanket unilateral bases to other RMLS™ brokers, but the seller reserves the right to sell the property without paying a commission, if the buyer is not obtained by the listing agent or their advertising and marketing efforts. You must select EA in the “List Type” field if an Exclusive Agency agreement exists.
Dual or Variable Rate Commission Agreement: This is an arrangement in which the total commission paid by the seller is variable and dependent on who brings in the buyer. For example, the commission offered by the seller may be different should the property be sold by the listing broker, than if the listing is sold by a cooperating broker. You must enter a YES in the “Total Comm. Differs” field of your listing if an agreement exists.
Owner: The term “Owner” can represent: 1. the person or persons who have legal ownership of the property; 2. their authorized agent; or 3. someone with the legal right to sell the property. However, the RMLS™ definition of the term owner does not include a person or persons who merely has the right to purchase the property, but does not yet own it. The owner’s name is required to be entered in the listing under “Owner” field unless an Owner Name Omission Form or similar document is submitted to RMLS™.
If you have any questions, contact us at or at (503) 236-7657.
by RMLS Communication Department | Jul 3, 2013

RMLS™ subscribers got an easier way to communicate with us about data inaccuracies when the Report Issue button (above) was added to the bottom of all Agent Full reports during our RMLSweb system improvements in January.
Since it was released on January 30th, more than 2,000 issues have been reported (averaging about 400 per month)!
If you haven’t yet explored this feature, when the Report Issue button is clicked a form pops up with the listing number and other identifying information already filled in (right). There is a menu of 12 options that can be selected.
Look below to see how the options ranked in the number of reports we have received.

Other is partly a catch-all of general inquiries, but one category that comes up frequently is corrections to the Comparable Information section for sold listings. We have even received compliments for the listing agent in this category. We were thrilled to read this issue report:
Please let the listing agent know what a great job she did on this listing. All the information is there that I need to help my client.
Vallerie Bush and Wanda Kennedy make up the RMLS™ team that ensures all reported data inaccuracies get resolved, and they are enthusiastic about this boost for RMLS™ data accuracy. (In addition to responding to issues reported through the Report Issue button, they field many phone calls and emails.) Wanda says:
I have only heard good things regarding the rules button. The subscribers say it saves them so much time. When they see something wrong with a listing they can send it in right then and there. I think it was a great idea!
Vallerie adds,
It is faster and more convenient to send a rules violation to RMLS™. I like it because it usually has most of the information needed when processing.
Keep the reports coming! Accurate data helps all of our subscribers and the buyers and sellers they serve.
by RMLS Communication Department | Jul 7, 2011
Take our most recent 5-question quiz to see if you know your Rules and Regs information!
Every so often, we publish an RMLS™ Rules and Regulations quiz on the RMLSweb Desktop. We thought we’d also post them here on the blog! Test your knowledge by taking our interactive quiz! Click on the play button on the image below, or take the quiz by clicking here.

Want to brush up on your RMLS™ Rules and Regulations knowledge? Click here to view the RMLS™ Rules and Regulations Document # 1450.
Questions? Please send an email to or go to the Questions/Comments section in Toolkit on the RMLSweb desktop page (choose the Rules and Regulations subject) if you have any questions or concerns regarding Rules and Regulations or data accuracy.
by RMLS Communication Department | Jul 7, 2011
Take our most recent 5-question quiz to see if you know your Rules and Regs information!
Every so often, we publish an RMLS™ Rules and Regulations quiz on the RMLSweb Desktop. We thought we’d also post them here on the blog! Test your knowledge by taking our interactive quiz! Click on the play button on the image below, or take the quiz by clicking here.

Want to brush up on your RMLS™ Rules and Regulations knowledge? Click here to view the RMLS™ Rules and Regulations Document # 1450.
Questions? Please send an email to or go to the Questions/Comments section in Toolkit on the RMLSweb desktop page (choose the Rules and Regulations subject) if you have any questions or concerns regarding Rules and Regulations or data accuracy.
by RMLS Communication Department | Jul 7, 2011
Take our most recent 5-question quiz to see if you know your Rules and Regs information!
Every so often, we publish an RMLS™ Rules and Regulations quiz on the RMLSweb Desktop. We thought we’d also post them here on the blog! Test your knowledge by taking our interactive quiz! Click on the play button on the image below, or take the quiz by clicking here.

Want to brush up on your RMLS™ Rules and Regulations knowledge? Click here to view the RMLS™ Rules and Regulations Document # 1450.
Questions? Please send an email to or go to the Questions/Comments section in Toolkit on the RMLSweb desktop page (choose the Rules and Regulations subject) if you have any questions or concerns regarding Rules and Regulations or data accuracy.