by RMLS Communication Department | Aug 17, 2017

Ask Technical Terry is a series RMLS™ aims to offer once a month. RMLS™ subscribers will drive the content—submit any question about RMLS™ to Technical Terry in the comments or by emailing Don’t be shy—we won’t identify you by name.
Dearest Technical Terry,
Oh em geeee! I’m atwitter thinking about the upcoming eclipse and how our SentriSmart™ app and SentriLock lockboxes won’t work during that time. I have clients that are convinced that their perfect home can only be discovered during the time of totality! What am I going to do?
Clueless in Coquille
Dearest Clueless,
Not to worry! Not only is Coquille not in the path of totality for this eclipse, but the eclipse will have ZERO bearing on your use of the SentriLock system. SentriLock’s technology should not be impacted in any way by the solar eclipse.
Traffic, on the other hand? I’m thinking you may just want to pick another day to cruise around looking for your clients’ perfect home. But what do I know? Isn’t the customer always right?
Technical Terry
Dear TT,
I was just discussing days on market with my clients the other day and had a hard time explaining the difference between DOM and CDOM is. Can you help?
Dum DOM in Damascus
Of course I can help! Days on market, or DOM, is a standard industry term used to describe the number of days between list date and the off-market date. When you have a listing that simply goes from a single list date to a single off-market date (let’s say in 50 days for an example) the calculation is quite simple. In this example, DOM and CDOM would both be 50 days.
It’s when you have a property that you list for sale, then cancel it, then relist it with a new MLS number that the calculations get a bit trickier.
Picture this: you list a home and after 30 days you haven’t received any offers and the seller wants to do some repairs. You cancel the original listing and then relist once the repairs are done. The second listing gets a new MLS number. When the gap between your cancellation of the first listing and the relisting date is fewer than 31 days, any off-market gap will not be counted in the CDOM calculation.
So if the first listing had 30 days of market time, the time when the listing was off-market for repairs was seven days then the new listing sold/closed in 21 days, the CDOM would be 51 days. This scenario is called linear relisting.
A final scenario is when you have a listing for sale and cancel it to get a new MLS number with NO gap between the cancellation of the first and second listings. In this case, CDOM would reflect the number of days the property was on the market from the original list date of the first listing through the off-market date of the second listing. This is called an overlapping relisting.
Does that help? RMLS™ also offers Document #1742, How CDOM is Calculated, if you want to read further.
by RMLS Communication Department | Oct 14, 2015

Ask Technical Terry is a series RMLS™ aims to offer once a month. RMLS™ subscribers will drive the content—submit any question about RMLS™ to Technical Terry in the comments or by emailing Don’t be shy—we won’t identify you by name.
Dear Technical Terry,
Much like your post about saving ML numbers for future searches (THANK YOU!), I’m desperate to figure out if I can customize my search results to contain only the fields I want to see for a specific client. Is that possible?
Carol in the ‘Couve
Excellent question, Carol! You can, in fact, create “custom” displays of the initial search results based on your specific client needs. You’ve been able to perform this customization for several years on RMLSweb, but much like the process for saving ML numbers, it does require a bit of orientation.
Check out Customize Your Search Results (Document #1749) available on RMLSweb in Forms and Documents. This document explains in detail all aspects of creating and saving custom search results displays to meet a specific need. As you review the document you’ll see that in addition to data elements, you can also include both a thumbnail image and a map image. You can also look at your custom layout to ensure it meets your needs in the Preview section of the layout window. Keep in mind that the tool will allow you to create layouts that will exceed the typical print margins of a standard 8 1/2” x 11” page. All of this information and much more is included in Customize Your Search Results (Document #1749). Additionally, the RMLS™ Help Desk and Training Departments are always happy to walk you through the process if you need any help.
Dear Technical Terry,
Will we ever be able to upload photos on Listing Load using a Mac like PC users do? The current option for Mac users is really clunky…
Manzana Macintosh
Yes…in fact, the timing of your question could not be better!
On October 15th RMLS™ will deploy a brand-spanking-new photo loader for RMLSweb. This new module eliminates the need to use Microsoft Silverlight so the module will work the same for Mac users as it does for PC users.
The improvements are numerous, but let me touch on just a few:
• Up to 32 high resolution images can now be loaded.
• Multiple photos can be uploaded at one time. (Note: this process is bandwidth-sensitive so if you’re on a slow internet connection, you may find uploading photos one at a time is more efficient.)
• Users can upload photos from a mobile device.
• The new module can recognize photo orientation: if the photo is uploaded in landscape orientation but should be in portrait orientation, the module will adjust the photo automatically.
• Photo editing will be possible in the new photo loader: you can crop, rotate, and change brightness and contrast.
RMLS™ staff is hard at work on preparing a video and other materials that will provide subscribers with the information they need to efficiently use the new photo loader. Keep an eye out for it!
by RMLS Communication Department | Sep 11, 2015

Ask Technical Terry is a series RMLS™ aims to offer once a month. RMLS™ subscribers will drive the content—submit any question about RMLS™ to Technical Terry in the comments or by emailing Don’t be shy—we won’t identify you by name.
Hey Technical Terry,
Something still confuses me about SentriLock: why do we have to wait for the buyer’s agent’s SentriCard®, phone, or RAD to find out about showing notifications, rather than the lockbox giving us notifications like the previous RMLS™ lockbox system?
Carl in Coburg
Thanks for the great question, Carl! In order for a lockbox system to send out showing notifications, it must have some form of cellular radio component. Both the SentriLock and Supra systems use similar technology in respect to this functionality: both systems rely on a cellular radio component that is not contained within the lockbox itself, but rather a secondary device. This could be the RAD, using the SentriSmart™ app on your cell phone, or inserting your SentriCard® into the desktop reader connected to a computer. While the perception remains that the Supra system worked differently in this area than the SentriLock system, they are actually quite similar.
Technical Terry—
HELP! I’m desperate to create a watch list of specific MLS numbers to keep my eye on. Is there a way on RMLSweb to save a list of MLS numbers?
Big Barry is Watching
You’ve got the will to do it, and we’ve got the way, Barry.
Keep your eye on a particular group of listings by following these steps:
• Create and run a search on RMLSweb.
• When on the results page, simply ‘check’ the listings you want to save.
• Remove listings that you do not want to save by clicking on the Checked button. This will keep ONLY the listings you’ve checked. (Note: the maximum number of listings you can save in one search is 300.)
• Navigate to the Search menu on the RMLSweb navigation bar and click on MLS #.
• When the MLS Number Search screen appears, click on the Checked IDs button in the middle of the screen. Your MLS numbers will appear in the blue box. Magic!
• Now click on the Save As button and name the group of MLS numbers to save the search. Notice there is a tab that says “Saved” next to the Search Criteria button to access your saved groups of MLS numbers.
• Access the list of saved MLS numbers by going back to the MLS number search option, clicking on the Saved tab, and choosing the list of MLS numbers you wish to search.
We’re happy to help you keep watch on those listings!
by RMLS Communication Department | Aug 14, 2015

Ask Technical Terry is a series RMLS™ aims to offer once a month. RMLS™ subscribers will drive the content—submit any question about RMLS™ to Technical Terry in the comments or by emailing Don’t be shy—we won’t identify you by name.
Dear Technical Terry,
I noticed I’m getting SentriLock showing notifications sent to my email address. Is it possible to get them via text message?
New in Newberg
Fear not, New, you can certainly change how you get showing notifications. You just need to change a few preferences with your SentriCard® on the SentriLock website.
Insert your SentriCard® into the SentriLock card reader attached to your computer. Log in to the SentriLock website. On the left side of your screen, click on “Manage My Account.” Make sure the correct cell phone number is listed!
Toward the top of the screen, below the green bar, click on “Preferences.” Choose the showing notification preference you desire, and the delivery method desired, then click to save the changes to your SentriCard®.
Once that’s all done, you should get text messages as soon as the SentriLock system registers a showing—a much easier option than checking your email every few minutes. Good luck!
Hey Technical Terry,
How can I get my SentriLock notifications immediately? Like, as soon as the box is opened?
Listing Lisa
Thanks for your question, Lisa! The short answer is yes, there is a way for the SentriLock system to send out immediate showing notifications—but it is dependent on whether the agent showing the property follows SentriLock best practices.
Using a cellular device to open the lockbox—meaning either a remote access device (RAD) or the SentriSmart™ phone app—will send information immediately, provided the device is in cell range.
Using a RAD
Ideally an agent’s SentriCard® will stay in the RAD at all times, and he or she will access the SentriLock lockbox using a PIN.
If the lockbox is out of range of the RAD, an agent can use his or her SentriCard® at the box—they’d just need to place the card back in the RAD as soon as possible after opening the lockbox. The RAD will communicate showing information using its cellular radio—again, as long as the device is in cell range.
Using SentriSmart™
SentriSmart™, an app that is free for RMLS™ subscribers with key service, sends immediate showing notifications with no further action needed on the part of the agent showing a property.
RMLS™ subscribers are increasing their use of the SentriSmart™ app—about 17% of subscribers started using SentriSmart™ when it was released, versus about 27% of subscribers who use it now.
SentriSmart™ is free for RMLS™ subscribers who have key service. Download it for Android or Apple devices here:
• Android SentriSmart™ phone app
• Apple SentriSmart™ phone app
You’ll need to be running Android 2.2 or iOS 6 or higher to use SentriSmart™.
When using SentriSmart™, be aware that a showing notification is sent to the listing agent as soon as you generate a code to open the lockbox. If you generate a code just to see how it works, use one of your own lockboxes to avoid falsely generating a showing notice!
And one more note about RADs: RAD users, charge your RAD for a minimum of four hours weekly using a wall charger. The car charger is not intended to supply a full charge to the RAD, only to keep the RAD battery topped off while it’s in your car.
Hopefully that helps, Lisa. As more people learn about how vital the RAD is and/or start using SentriSmart™, the less you should be receiving delayed notifications. Tell all your REALTOR® friends!
by RMLS Communication Department | Jul 16, 2015

This month RMLS™ is proud to debut Ask Technical Terry, a series we aim to offer once a month. RMLS™ subscribers will drive the content—we encourage you to submit any question about RMLS™ to Technical Terry in the comments or by emailing Don’t be shy—we won’t identify you by name.
Dear Technical Terry,
For some reason, the menu bar at the top of the RMLSweb homepage is appearing vertically and none of the drop-down menus will open! The site worked fine yesterday, and nothing has changed on my end. What’s the deal?
Top Producer Teresa
Ah yes, the old “site worked fine yesterday and nothing’s changed on my end” issue. Are you using the Safari browser to access RMLSweb?
RMLSweb works best with Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome across all platforms. In most cases, when you experience an odd view or functionality symptoms on RMLSweb, it will either be browser add-ons (that you may not realize were activated when you downloaded some unrelated software) or using a web browser that does not play well with RMLSweb, such as Safari.
Dear Technical Terry,
I’m on vacation, using my iPad, and I need to enter a new listing. I can’t seem to find the button that will allow me to add a new listing. Can you help?
Heidi in Hawaii
Heidi, you need to use the Google Chrome web browser on your iPad to achieve full functionality on RMLSweb. And stop working on vacation!
Dear Technical Terry,
I just love the RPR website! I would like to search on the RPR website for a property not currently listed on RMLSweb. How do I do this?
Thanks in Advance,
REALTOR® Rebecca
Yes you can! Either gain access to RPR by clicking through to RPR from within RMLSweb (use the small RPR button on a listing in RMLSweb) or go directly to RPR’s website.
If you access RPR from a listing in RMLSweb, when you land on the RPR page for that listing, you will notice a “find a new address” link immediately to the right of the property address—simply click on the link to open a new screen allowing you to enter any address in the search box. If you go directly to RPR using the link above, you will land on a screen that will allow you to enter any address in the search box.
Good luck!
by RMLS Communication Department | Mar 25, 2015
Smartphones are a vital part of daily business for an average REALTOR®, and the National Association of REALTORS® has a great idea for pooling resources.
REpurposed Apps connects REALTORS® to a variety of apps that can be used for real estate business. These apps can be sorted by platform (iOS or Android) or categories like finance, education, or media. Download links are available for each app.
Registered users can recommend or rate apps—and registration is available for anyone with their NRDS number. Users can even share information about how they’ve used an app for real estate that wasn’t necessarily built for real estate.
One area of the site showcases members who are particularly knowledgeable—the member’s top app picks, and how he or she uses each.
Check out a video from Washington REALTORS® about the site:
Which lesser-known apps do you find most useful for your real estate business?